SCHS158F November 1998 – March 2022 CD54HC173 , CD54HCT173 , CD74HC173 , CD74HCT173
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
tPD is the maximum between tPLH and tPHL
tt is the maximum between tTLH and tTHL
NOTE: Outputs should be switching from 10% VCC to 90% VCC in accordance with device truth table. For fMAX, input duty cycle = 50%
Figure 6-1 HC clock pulse rise and fall times and pulse widthNOTE: Outputs should be switching from 10% VCC to 90% VCC in accordance with device truth table. FOr fMAX, input duty cycle = 50%
Figure 6-2 HCT clock pulse rise and fall times and pulse widthNOTE: Opend drain waveforms tPLZ and tPZL are the same as those for three-state shown on the left. The test circuit is Output RL = 1kΩ to VCC, CL = 50pF
Figure 6-9 HC and HCT three-state propagation delay test circuit