SBASAK1A August 2022 – December 2022 DAC82002
Figure 8-1 shows a simplified circuit diagram of an arbitrary waveform generator. The DAC82002 specifies a THD+N of –91 dB at 1 kHz. The OPA2328 provides a great balance between fast settling, bandwidth, and voltage and current noise. The buffer must have a negative voltage supply rail or an output offset to make sure the DAC output is not clipped. Attach two decoupling capacitors as close as possible to the VREF pin. Use 100 nF for the first capacitor to provide very good noise performance for the system. Use 47 pF for the second capacitor to allow for a good dynamic response performance that improves any code-to-code glitch. The REF5025 is a low-noise, very low-drift, precise voltage reference that generates a 2.5-V reference for this application.