SLVSBY7 February 2017 DAC8775
NAME | NO. | |
PVDD_D | 1 | Buck-Boost Converter power switch supply D |
LP_D | 2 | External Inductor terminal - positive D |
PVSS_D | 3 | Ground for Buck-Boost converter switches D |
LN_D | 4 | External Inductor terminal - negative D |
PVDD_C | 5 | Buck-Boost Converter power switch supply C |
LP_C | 6 | External Inductor terminal - positive C |
PVSS_C | 7 | Ground for Buck-Boost converter switches C |
LN_C | 8 | External Inductor terminal - negative C |
DCDC_AGND_AB | 9 | Analog GND Buck-Boost converter Channels A and B |
LN_B | 10 | External Inductor terminal - negative B |
PVSS_B | 11 | Ground for Buck-Boost converter switches B |
LP_B | 12 | External Inductor terminal - positive B |
PVDD_B | 13 | Buck-Boost Converter power switch supply B |
LN_A | 14 | External Inductor terminal - negative A |
PVSS_A | 15 | Ground for Buck-Boost converter switches A |
LP_A | 16 | External Inductor terminal - positive A |
PVDD_A | 17 | Buck-Boost Converter power switch supply A |
PBKG | 18 | Chip substrate, connect to 0 V |
VNEG_IN_A | 19 | Negative power supply for VOUT_A and IOUT_A |
VNEG_IN_B | 20 | Negative power supply for VOUT_B and IOUT_A |
SCLK | 21 | Serial clock input of serial peripheral interface (SPI™). Data can be transferred at rates up to 25 MHz. Schmitt-Trigger logic input. |
SDIN | 22 | Serial data input. Data are clocked into the 24-bit input shift register on the falling edge of the serial clock input. Schmitt-Trigger logic input. |
LDAC | 23 | Load DAC latch control input. A logic low on this pin loads the input shift register data into the DAC register and updates the DAC output. |
SDO | 24 | Serial data output. Data are valid on the falling edge of SCLK. |
SYNC | 25 | SPI bus chip select input (active low). Data bits are not clocked into the serial shift register unless SYNC is low. When SYNC is high, SDO is in high-impedance status. |
CLR | 26 | Level Triggered clear pin (Active High). Clears all DAC channel to zero code or mid code (see DAC clear section) |
HARTIN_B | 27 | Input pin for HART modulation. for IOUT_B |
CCOMP_B | 28 | External compensation capacitor connection pin for VOUT_B . Addition of the external capacitor improves the stability with high capacitive loads at the VOUT_B pin by reducing the bandwidth of the output amplifier at the expense of increased settling time. |
HARTIN_A | 29 | Input pin for HART modulation. for IOUT_A |
CCOMP_A | 30 | External compensation capacitor connection pin for VOUT_A . Addition of the external capacitor improves the stability with high capacitive loads at the VOUT_A pin by reducing the bandwidth of the output amplifier at the expense of increased settling time. |
VSENSEP_B | 31 | Sense output pin for the positive voltage output (channel B) load connection. |
VSENSEN_B | 32 | Sense output pin for the negative voltage output (channel B) load connection. |
VSENSEP_A | 33 | Sense output pin for the positive voltage output (channel A) load connection. |
VSENSEN_A | 34 | Sense output pin for the negative voltage output (channel A) load connection. |
DAC_AGND_AB | 35 | Analog GND DAC Channels A and B |
VNEG_IN_A | 36 | Negative power supply for VOUT_A and IOUT_A |
IOUT_A | 37 | Current Output Pin (Channel A) |
VPOS_IN_A | 38 | Positive power supply for VOUT_A and IOUT_A |
VOUT_A | 39 | Voltage Output Pin (Channel A) |
VNEG_IN_B | 40 | Negative power supply for VOUT_B and IOUT_B |
IOUT_B | 41 | Current Output Pin (Channel B) |
VPOS_IN_B | 42 | Positive power supply for VOUT_B and IOUT_B |
VOUT_B | 43 | Voltage Output Pin (Channel B) |
AVDD | 44 | Power supply for all analog circuitry of the device except buck-boost converters and output amplifiers |
REFGND | 45 | Reference ground |
REFIN | 46 | Reference input |
REFOUT | 47 | Internal reference output. Connects to REFIN when using internal reference. |
VOUT_C | 48 | Voltage Output Pin (Channel C) |
VPOS_IN_C | 49 | Positive power supply for VOUT_C and IOUT_C |
IOUT_C | 50 | Current Output Pin (Channel C) |
VNEG_IN_C | 51 | Negative power supply for VOUT_C and IOUT_C |
VOUT_D | 52 | Voltage Output Pin (Channel D) |
VPOS_IN_D | 53 | Positive power supply for VOUT_D and IOUT_D |
IOUT_D | 54 | Current Output Pin (Channel D) |
VNEG_IN_D | 55 | Negative power supply for VOUT_D and IOUT_D |
DAC_AGND_CD | 56 | Analog GND DAC Channels C and D |
VSENSEN_D | 57 | Sense output pin for the negative voltage output (channel D) load connection. |
VSENSEP_D | 58 | Sense output pin for the positive voltage output (channel D) load connection. |
VSENSEN_C | 59 | Sense output pin for the negative voltage output (channel C) load connection. |
VSENSEP_C | 60 | Sense output pin for the positive voltage output (channel C) load connection. |
CCOMP_D | 61 | External compensation capacitor connection pin for VOUT_D . Addition of the external capacitor improves the stability with high capacitive loads at the VOUT_D pin by reducing the bandwidth of the output amplifier at the expense of increased settling time. |
HARTIN_D | 62 | Input pin for HART modulation. for IOUT_D |
CCOMP_C | 63 | External compensation capacitor connection pin for VOUT_C . Addition of the external capacitor improves the stability with high capacitive loads at the VOUT_C pin by reducing the bandwidth of the output amplifier at the expense of increased settling time. |
HARTIN_C | 64 | Input pin for HART modulation. for IOUT_C |
DVDD_EN | 65 | Internal power-supply enable pin. Connect this pin to PBKG to disable the internal DVDD, or leave this pin unconnected to enable the internal DVDD. When this pin is connected to PBKG, an external supply must be connected to the DVDD pin. |
DVDD | 66 | Digital Supply pin (Input/Output) Internal DVDD enabled when DVDD_EN is floating, External DVDD must be supplied when DVDD_EN is connected to PBKG |
ALARM | 67 | ALARM pin. Open drain output. External pull-up resistor required (10 kΩ). The pin goes low (active) when the ALARM condition is detected on any of the outputs (OUT_A through OUT_D) (open circuit, over temperature, watchdog timeout, and others). |
RESET | 68 | Reset input (active low). Logic low on this pin causes the device to perform a reset. A hardware reset must be issued using this pin after power up. |
PBKG | 69 | Chip substrate, connect to 0 V |
VNEG_IN_C | 70 | Negative power supply for VOUT_C |
VNEG_IN_D | 71 | Negative power supply for VOUT_D |
DCDC_AGND_CD | 72 | Analog GND Buck-Boost converter Channels C and D |