DLPS013H April 2010 – December 2024 DLP5500
RGB-8-8-8 60fps data can be input into port 1 or port 2 and reinterpreted as up to 24 binary (1-bit) patterns or three grayscale (8-bit) patterns. The specified number of patterns is displayed equally during the exposure time specified. Any unused RGB-8-8-8 data in the video frame must be filled with data, usually 0s.
For example, during one video frame (16.67ms), 12 binary patterns of the 24 RGB bits are requested to be displayed during half of the video frame time (exposure time = 8.33ms). Each of the eight red bits and the four most significant green bits are displayed as a binary pattern for 694µs each. The remaining bits are ignored and the remaining 8.33ms of the frame will be dark.