DLPS194A November 2020 – June 2022 DLP670S
The micromirror landed-on/landed-off duty cycle (landed duty cycle) denotes the amount of time (as a percentage) that an individual micromirror is landed in the On state versus the amount of time the same micromirror is landed in the Off state.
As an example, a landed duty cycle of 100/0 indicates that the referenced pixel is in the On state 100% of the time and in the Off state 0% of the time. Additionally, a landed duty cycle of 0/100 indicates that the pixel is in the Off state 100% of the time and in the On state 0% of the time. Likewise, 50/50 indicates that the pixel is On 50% of the time and Off 50% of the time.
Since a micromirror can only be landed in one state or the other (On or Off), the two numbers (percentages) always add to 100.