Projector Image and Control Port Signals
The DLPC200 provides two input ports for graphics and motion video inputs. The following listed signals support the two input interface modes.
Following are the two input image interface modes, signal descriptions, and pins needed on the DLPC200.
- PORT 1, 28 pins (HDMI connector)
- PORT1_D(23-0) – Projector data
- PORT1_VSYNC – Vertical sync
- PORT1_HSYNC – Horizontal sync
- PORT1_IVALID – Data enable
- PORT1_CLK – Projector clock (rising edge or falling edge, to capture input data)
- PORT 2, 28 pins (expansion connector)
- PORT2_D(23-0) – Projector data
- PORT2_VSYNC – Vertical sync
- PORT2_HSYNC – Horizontal sync
- PORT2_IVALID – Data enable
- PORT2_CLK – Projector clock (rising edge or falling edge, to capture input data)
Two control interfaces, USB and SPI, are provided to configure the DLPC200, as well as to transmit pattern data to memory for structured light mode. Following are the pins needed for the SPI and USB control interfaces.
- USB, 48 MHz
- USB_CLK – USB clock
- USB_CTRL1 – FIFO full flag
- USB_CTRL2 – FIFO empty flag
- USB_FD(15–0) – USB data
- USB_PA02 – FIFO output enable for reads
- USB_PA04 – FIFO address bit
- USB_PA05 – FIFO address bit
- USB_RDY1 – Write enable
- USB_RDY0 – Read enable
- SPI, 5 MHz
- SLAVE_SPI_ACK – Busy signal that holds off additional transactions until the slave has completed processing data
- SLAVE_SPI_MISO – Output from slave
- SLAVE_SPI_MOSI – Output from master
- SLAVE_SPI_CS – Slave select
Images are displayed via control of the DMD and DLPA200. The DLPC200 DMD interface consists of a 200-MHz (nominal) half-bus DDR output-only interface with LVDS signaling. The serial communications port (SCP), 125-kHz nominal, is used to read or write control data to both the DMD and the DLPA200. The following listed signals support data transfer to the DMD and DLPA200.
- DMD, 200 MHz
- DMD_CLK_AP, DMD_CLK_AN – DMD clock for A
- DMD_CLK_BP, DMD_CLK_BN – DMD clock for B
- DMD_DAT_AP, DMD_DAT_AN(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15) – Data bus A (odd-numbered pins are used for half-bus)
- DMD_DAT_BP, DMD_DAT_BN(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15) – Data bus B (odd-numbered pins are used for half-bus)
- DMD_SCRTL_AP, DMD_SCRTL_AN – S-control for A
- DMD_SCRTL_BP, DMD_SCRTL_BN – S-control for B
- DLPA200, 125 kHz
- SCP_DMD_EN – Enable DMD communication
- SCP_RST_EN – Enable DLPA200 communication
- SCP_DMD_RST_DI – Input data
- SCP_DMD_RST_DO – Output data