DLPS112C June 2018 – August 2021 DLPC3479
Although the DLPC34xx controller requires an array of power supply voltage pins (for example, VDD, VDDLP12, VDD_PLLM/D, VCC18, VCC_FLSH, and VCC_INTF), if VDDLP12 is tied to the 1.1-V VDD supply (which is assumed to be the typical configuration), then there are no restrictions regarding the relative order of power supply sequencing to avoid damaging the DLPC34xx controller (this remains true for both power-up and power-down scenarios). The controller requires no minimum delay time between powering-up and powering-down the individual supplies if the VDDLP12 is tied to the 1.1-V VDD supply.
However, if the VDDLP12 pin is not tied to the VDD supply, then the VDDLP12 pin must be powered-on only after the VDD supply is powered-on. And in a similar sequence, the VDDLP12 pin must be powered-off before the VDD supply is powered-off. If the VDDLP12 pin is not tied to VDD, then the VDDLP12 pin and VDD supply pins must be powered-on or powered-off within 100 ms of each other.
Although there is no risk of damaging the DLPC34xx controller when the above power sequencing rules are followed, these additional power sequencing recommendations must be considered to ensure proper system operation:
Figure 9-1, Figure 9-2, and Figure 9-3 show the DLPC34xx power-up sequence, the normal PARK power-down sequence, and the fast PARK power-down sequence of a typical DLPC34xx system.
When the VDD core power is applied, but I/O power is not applied, the controller may draw additional leakage current. This leakage current does not affect the normal DLPC34xx controller operation or reliability.
During a Normal Park it is recommended to maintain SYSPWR within specification for at least 50 ms after PROJ_ON goes low. This is to allow the DMD to be parked and the power supply rails to safely power down. After 50 ms SYSPWR can be turned off. If a DLPA200x is used, it is also recommended that the 1.8-V supply fed into the DLPA200x load switch be maintained within specification for at least 50 ms after PROJ_ON goes low.