DLPS168C May 2021 – November 2022 DLPC6540
To avoid potential damage to unused video source inputs and unused GPIO, the instructions specifically noted in the associated Section 5 must be followed. For those unused inputs without specific instructions, TI recommends that these input pins be tied through a pullup resistor to its associated power supply or a pulldown to ground. Unused output-only pins can remain open. Never tie unused output-only pins directly to power or ground. For controller inputs with an internal pullup or pulldown resistor, it is unnecessary to add an external pullup or pulldown unless specifically recommended. Internal pullup and pulldown resistors are weak and cannot be expected to drive the external line. When external pullup or pulldown resistors are needed for pins that have built-in weak pullups or pulldowns, use the value specified in Table 5-14.
There are also power supply considerations that must be followed for any unused video sources. These are detailed in Section 8.3.