DLPS168C May 2021 – November 2022 DLPC6540
The DLPC6540 provides 88 general purpose I/O that are available to support a variety of functions for many different product configurations. In general, most of these I/O pins support only one specific function based on a specific product configuration, although that function can be different for a different product configuration. Most of these I/O can also be made available for TI test and debug use. Each of the following GPIO tables provide product specific details on the allocated use of each of the GPIO for a specific supported product configuration.
GPIO_00 | SSP1_SCLK (I) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_01 | SSP1_DI (I) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_02 | SSP1_DO (O) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_03 | SSP1_CSZ0 (I) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_04 | SSP1_CSZ1 (I) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_05 | SSP1_CSZ2 (I) | SSP Master or Slave |
GPIO_06 | SAS_CLK (O) | |
GPIO_07 | SAS_DI (I) | |
GPIO_08 | SAS_DO (O) | |
GPIO_09 | SAS_CSZ (O) | |
GPIO_11 | IIC1_SCL (B) | |
GPIO_12 | IIC1_SDA (B) | |
GPIO_13 | UART1_TXD (O) | |
GPIO_14 | UART1_RXD (I) | |
GPIO_15 | UART1_CTSZ (I) | |
GPIO_16 | UART1_RTSZ (O) | |
GPIO_17 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_18 | IR0 (I) | |
GPIO_19 | IR1 (I) | |
GPIO_20 | PWM-IN0 (I) | |
GPIO_21 | PWM-IN1 (I) | |
GPIO_22 | 3D LR (I) | For 3D applications: Left or right 3D reference (left = 1, right = 0). To be provided by the host when a 3D command is not provided. Must transition in the middle of each frame (no closer than 1 ms to the active edge of VSYNC) |
GPIO_23 | LL_FAULT (O) | |
GPIO_24 | LEDSEL_0 (O) | |
GPIO_25 | LEDSEL_1 (O) | |
GPIO_26 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_27 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_28 | Heartbeat (O) | |
GPIO_29 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_30 | VBIAS_MON (I) | |
GPIO_31 | HDMI_CEC (B) | |
GPIO_32 | IIC2_SCL (B) | |
GPIO_33 | IIC2_SDA (B) | |
GPIO_34 | WRP_TRIG_OUT (O) | |
GPIO_35 | DAO_DO_0 (O) | |
GPIO_36 | DAO_DO_1 (O) | |
GPIO_37 | DAO_CLKOUT (O) | |
GPIO_38 | HBT_DO (O) | |
GPIO_39 | HBT_CLKOUT (O) | |
GPIO_40 | SSP2_SCLK (I) | SSP Master |
GPIO_41 | SSP2_DI (I) | SSP Master |
GPIO_42 | SSP2_DO (O) | SSP Master |
GPIO_43 | SSP2_CSZ0 (I) | SSP Master |
GPIO_44 | SSP2_CSZ1 (I) | SSP Master |
GPIO_45 | SSP2_CSZ2 (I) | SSP Master |
GPIO_46 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_47 | PM_ADDR_23 (O) | |
GPIO_48 | USB OTG Charge Pump Enable (O) | |
GPIO_49 | SSP0_CSZ4 (O) | DLPA3005 |
GPIO_50 | SSP0_CSZ3 (O) | |
GPIO_51 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_52 | LED_Enable (O) | |
GPIO_53 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_54 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_55 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_56 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_57 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_58 | I2C_BUSY (O) | |
GPIO_59 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_60 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_61 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_62 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_63 | PROJ_ON (I) | |
GPIO_64 | HOLD_BOOTZ (I) | |
GPIO_65 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_66 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_67 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_68 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_69 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_70 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_71 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_72 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_73 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_74 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_75 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_76 | 4 way XPR (O) | |
GPIO_77 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_78 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_79 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_80 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_81 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_82 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_83 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_84 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_85 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_86 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |
GPIO_87 | General Purpose Input/Output | Available for general host use via Host Commands |