SPRS976E November 2016 – May 2018 DM505
Keep radio frequency (RF) sensitive circuitry (like GPS receivers, GSM/WCDMA, Bluetooth/WLAN transceivers, frequency modulation (FM) radio) away from high-speed ICs (the device, power and audio manager, chargers, memories, and so forth) and ideally on the opposite side of the PCB. For improved protection it is recommended to place these emission sources in a shield can. If the shield can have a removable lid (two-piece shield), ensure there is low contact impedance between the fence and the lid. Leave some space between the lid and the components under it to limit the high-frequency currents induced in the lid. Limit the shield size to put any potential shield resonances above the frequencies of interest; see Figure 7-8, Typical Impedance Profile of a Capacitor.