6.16.15 MLB
The Media Local Bus sub system (MLB) is based on a module designed by SMSC. This module provides a MediaLB/MediaLB+ controller and an interface to other MediaLB/MediaLB+ devices. The MediaLB/MediaLB+ interface allows also connection to a MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) network controller. MOST network is used to transport media and control data between various multimedia nodes in the car.
The MLBSS supports the following features:
- 3-pin MediaLB 3.3V LVCMOS I/Os compliant to MediaLB Physical Layer Specification v4.0
- 6-pin MediaLB+ low-voltage differential signaling (LVDS) I/Os (3 differential pairs) compliant to MediaLB Physical Layer Specification v4.0
- MediaLB core functionality compliant to MediaLB Physical and Link layer specification v4.0
- Supports 256/512/1024Fs in 3-pin mode and 4096Fs in 6-pin mode. To support 4096Fs the frequency of the MLB clock line is doubled through a dedicated circuit.
- Supports all types of transfer (synchronous stream data, asynchronous packet data, control message data, and isochronous data) over 64 logical channels
- Supports single 32-bit L4 slave interface for configuration
- Supports single 32-bit L3_MAIN master interface with burst capability for DMA transfers into system memory. The maximum burst size is 32 Bytes
- Has 16 KiB buffer for all types of transfers in the subsystem
- Support of pressure bits for controlling the MLBSS priority on the L3_MAIN interconnect
The MLBSS does not support:
- 400 MHz clock mode which enable half and full entitlement of MediaLB+ and MOST150
- 5-pin mode
For more information, see section Media Local Bus (MLB) in chapter Serial Communication Interfaces of the Device TRM.