Real actuators (as opposed to modeled actuators) were used as loads for both ERM and LRA modes with exception of the Supply Voltage vs Supply Current (Full Vibration) waveform in Figure 10, which used passive RL (resistance in series with an inductance) loads for test repeatability. Real actuators vary widely in supply currents because of variation in back-EMF voltages. Because real actuators have back EMF, the real supply current is generally less than what is shown in the waveform because of the reduction in the apparent load impedance. Therefore, the curve shows the worst-case current.
All ERM library waveforms were taken with Library A in open-loop mode
All LRA library waveforms were taken with the LRA Library in closed-loop mode
All traces are 2 V/div except for the accelerometer traces
All accelerometer traces are 0.87 g/div except for the LRA Click with and without Braking (PWM) curve in Figure 8, which is 1.74 g/div.