SLASEV7 August 2020 – MONTH DRV5825P
To ensure high efficiency, low THD, and high PSRR, proper power supply decoupling is necessary. Noise transients on the power supply lines are short duration voltage spikes. These spikes can contain frequency components that extend into the hundreds of megahertz. The power supply input must be decoupled with some good quality, low ESL, Low ESR capacitors larger than 22 µF. These capacitors bypasses low frequency noise to the ground plane. For high frequency decoupling, place 1-µF or 0.1-µF capacitors as close as possible to the PVDD pins of the device.
An idea power supply can deliver infinite amounts of current without a reduction in its output voltage.In reality, a power supply maximum current output depends on its series impedance.In practical audio aapplications,where the decoupling techniques are limited by cost and size,audio frequencies are mostly driven by the supply itself and not by decoupling/bulk capacitors.The time constant associated with audio frequencies (especially the mid and high areas) would require a large amount of capacitance which may be deemed impracitcal for most application. Play high audio frequency with a piezo speaker with high current, the supply voltage drop with larger bulk capacitors should much smaller than smaller bulk capacitors.