SLVSGJ9 May 2024 DRV7308
NAME | NO. | ||
AMPIN- | 5 | I | Inverting input of the operational amplifier |
AMPIN+ | 6 | I | Non-inverting input of the operational amplifier |
AMPOUT | 4 | O | Output terminal of the operational amplifier |
BOOTA | 48 | P | Bootstrap supply for phase A; bypass to OUTA with a GVDD rated capacitor |
BOOTB | 43 | P | Bootstrap supply for phase B; bypass to OUTB with a GVDD rated capacitor |
BOOTC | 41 | P | Bootstrap supply for phase C; bypass to OUTC with a GVDD rated capacitor |
BRAKE | 25 | I | Motor Brake signal. Logic high on the pin turns on all the low side GaNFETs and turns off all the high side GaNFETs |
EN | 64 | I | Driver enable pin. When this pin is logic low the device goes to shutdown mode and all the GaN FETs are turned off. A 20µs to 40µs low pulse can be used to reset fault conditions |
HV_nFAULT | 26 | O | Fault indication pin. Pulled logic-low on fault condition; open-drain output requires an external pullup |
ILIMIT | 2 | I | Reference voltage for over current limit for internal comparator |
INHA | 18 | I | High-side driver control input for OUTA. This pin controls the output of the high-side GaNFET |
INHB | 20 | I | High-side driver control input for OUTB. This pin controls the output of the high-side GaNFET |
INHC | 22 | I | High-side driver control input for OUTC. This pin controls the output of the high-side GaNFET |
INLA | 19 | I | Low-side driver control input for OUTA. This pin controls the output of the Low-side GaNFET |
INLB | 21 | I | Low-side driver control input for OUTB. This pin controls the output of the Low-side GaNFET |
INLC | 24 | I | Low-side driver control input for OUTC. This pin controls the output of the Low-side GaNFET |
NC | 1, 23 | No connect, can be connected to PGND | |
NC_A | 49 | I | Can be connected to OUTA |
NC_B | 44 | I | Can be connected to OUTB |
NC_C | 40 | I | Can be connected to OUTC |
OUTA | 50-57 | P | Half bridge output A |
OUTB | 42, 45-47, 72 | P | Half bridge output B |
OUTC | 32-39 | P | Half bridge output C |
PGND | 7, 17, 27,28,29, 60,61,62,66, 70, 71 | G | Device power and signal ground. Connect to system ground |
SLA | 8, 9, 10, 67 | P | Phase A half bridge low side source |
SLB | 11, 12, 13, 68 | P | Phase B half bridge low side source |
SLC | 14, 15, 16, 69 | P | Phase C half bridge low side source |
SR | 65 | I | OUTx voltage slew rate control. Connect a resistor between SR pin and PGND or SR pin to GVDD to configure the slew rate |
GVDD | 63 | P | Low voltage power supply; bypass to PGND with one 1µF, GVDD rated ceramic capacitor plus one bulk capacitor rated for GVDD |
VM | 30, 31, 58, 59 | P | Power supply. Connect to motor supply voltage; bypass to PGND with a 0.1µF capacitor plus one bulk capacitor rated for VM |
VTEMP | 3 | O | Temperature Sensor Output |