SLLSFA9B July 2020 – June 2021 DRV8106-Q1
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
If at any time the voltage on the VCP pin falls below the VVCP_UV threshold for longer than the tVCP_UV_DG time, the DRV8106-Q1 detects a VCP undervoltage condition. After detecting the undervoltage condition, the gate driver pull downs are enabled and nFAULT pin, FAULT register bit, and VCP_UV register bit asserted. The undervoltage threshold can be adjusted through the VCP_UV_LVL register setting.
On SPI device variants, the VCP undervoltage monitor can recover in two different modes set through the VCP_UV_MODE register setting.
On H/W device variants, the VCP undervoltage monitor is fixed to automatic recovery mode and the threshold to 2-V.