Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The DRV8304 device is an integrated gate driver for 3-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motors applications for 12-V and 24-V DC rails. These applications include field-oriented control (FOC), sinusoidal current control, and trapezoidal current control of BLDC motors. The device integrates three current-sense amplifiers (CSA) for sensing the phase currents of BLDC motors for optimum FOC and current-control system implementation. An AUTOCAL feature automatically calibrates the CSA offset error for accurate current sensing.
The device is based on smart gate-drive (SGD) architecture to eliminate the need of any external gate components (resistors and Zener diodes) while fully protecting the external FETs. The SGD architecture optimizes dead time to avoid any shoot-through conditions, provides flexibility in decreasing electromagnetic interference (EMI) by gate slew-rate control, and protects against any gate-short conditions through VGS hand-shaking and dead time insertion. Strong pulldown current also prevents any dv/dt gate turnon.
Various PWM control modes (1x, 3x, 6x, and independent) are supported for simple interfacing to control circuits that can be powered by the 30-mA, 3.3-V internal regulator. These modes decrease the number of output peripherals of the controller for the specific motor-control requirements and provide flexibility of control. The device also has a 1x mode for sensored trapezoidal control of the BLDC motor by using the internal block-commutation table. The device can also be configured to drive multiple loads, such as solenoids, in independent mode.
DRV8304 | VQFN (40) | Hardware |
NAME | NO. | |||
DRV8304H | DRV8304S | |||
AGND | 32 | 32 | PWR | Device analog ground. Connect to system ground. |
CAL | 31 | 31 | I | Amplifier calibration input. Set logic high to internally short amplifier inputs and perform offset calibration. |
CPH | 2 | 2 | PWR | Charge pump switching node. Connect a X5R or X7R, 22-nF, VM-rated ceramic capacitor between the CPH and CPL pins. |
CPL | 1 | 1 | PWR | Charge pump switching node. Connect a X5R or X7R, 22-nF, VM-rated ceramic capacitor between the CPH and CPL pins. |
DVDD | 33 | 33 | PWR | 3.3-V internal regulator output. Connect a X5R or X7R, 1-µF, 6.3-V ceramic capacitor between the DVDD and AGND pins. This regulator can source up to 30 mA externally. |
ENABLE | 30 | 30 | I | Gate driver enable. When this pin is logic low the device enters a low power sleep mode. An 5 to 32-µs low pulse can be used to reset fault conditions. |
GAIN | 29 | — | I | Amplifier gain setting. The pin is a 4 level input pin set by an external resistor. |
GHA | 6 | 6 | O | High-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the high-side power MOSFET. |
GHB | 15 | 15 | O | High-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the high-side power MOSFET. |
GHC | 16 | 16 | O | High-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the high-side power MOSFET. |
GLA | 8 | 8 | O | Low-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the low-side power MOSFET. |
GLB | 13 | 13 | O | Low-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the low-side power MOSFET. |
GLC | 18 | 18 | O | Low-side gate driver output. Connect to the gate of the low-side power MOSFET. |
IDRIVE | 27 | — | I | Gate drive output current setting. This pin is a 7 level input pin set by an external resistor. |
INHA | 34 | 34 | I | High-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the high-side gate driver (GHA). |
INHB | 36 | 36 | I | High-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the high-side gate driver (GHB). |
INHC | 38 | 38 | I | High-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the high-side gate driver (GHC). |
INLA | 35 | 35 | I | Low-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the low-side gate driver (GLA). |
INLB | 37 | 37 | I | Low-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the low-side gate driver (GLB). |
INLC | 39 | 39 | I | Low-side gate driver control input. This pin controls the output of the low-side gate driver (GLC). |
MODE | 26 | — | I | PWM input mode setting. This pin is a 4 level input pin set by an external resistor. |
nFAULT | 25 | 25 | OD | Fault indicator output. This pin is pulled logic low during a fault condition and requires an external pullup resistor. |
nSCS | — | 29 | I | Serial chip select. A logic low on this pin enables serial interface communication. |
PGND | 40 | 40 | PWR | Device power ground. Connect to system ground. |
SCLK | — | 28 | I | Serial clock input. Serial data is shifted out and captured on the corresponding rising and falling edge on this pin. |
SDI | — | 27 | I | Serial data input. Data is captured on the falling edge of the SCLK pin. |
SDO | — | 26 | OD | Serial data output. Data is shifted out on the rising edge of the SCLK pin. This pin requires an external pullup resistor. |
SHA | 7 | 7 | I | High-side source sense input. Connect to the high-side power MOSFET source. |
SHB | 14 | 14 | I | High-side source sense input. Connect to the high-side power MOSFET source. |
SHC | 17 | 17 | I | High-side source sense input. Connect to the high-side power MOSFET source. |
SNA | 10 | 10 | I | Shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side of the current shunt resistor. |
SNB | 11 | 11 | I | Shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side of the current shunt resistor. |
SNC | 20 | 20 | I | Shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side of the current shunt resistor. |
SOA | 23 | 23 | O | Shunt amplifier output. |
SOB | 22 | 22 | O | Shunt amplifier output. |
SOC | 21 | 21 | O | Shunt amplifier output. |
SPA | 9 | 9 | I | Low-side source sense and shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side power MOSFET source and high-side of the current shunt resistor. |
SPB | 12 | 12 | I | Low-side source sense and shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side power MOSFET source and high-side of the current shunt resistor. |
SPC | 19 | 19 | I | Low-side source sense and shunt amplifier input. Connect to the low-side power MOSFET source and high-side of the current shunt resistor. |
VCP | 3 | 3 | PWR | Charge pump output. Connect a X5R or X7R, 1-µF, 16-V ceramic capacitor between the VCP and VM pins. |
VDRAIN | 5 | 5 | I | High-side MOSFET drain sense input. Connect to the common point of the external MOSFET drains. |
VDS | 28 | — | I | VDS monitor trip point setting. This pin is a 7 level input pin set by an external resistor. |
VM | 4 | 4 | PWR | Gate driver power supply input. Connect to the bridge power supply. Connect a X5R or X7R, 0.1-µF, VM-rated ceramic and greater than or equal to 10-uF local capacitance between the VM and PGND pins. |
VREF | 24 | 24 | PWR | Shunt amplifier power supply input and reference. Connect a X5R or X7R, 0.1-μF, 6.3-V ceramic capacitor between the VREF and AGND pins. |