SLVSGK9 January 2022 DRV8316-Q1
The overcurrent event is sensed by monitoring the current flowing through high-side MOSFET of the buck regulator. If the current across high-side MOSFET exceeds the IBK_OCP threshold for longer than the tOCP_DEG deglitch time, a buck OCP event is recognized and nFAULT pin is driven low. The FAULT, BK_FLT and BK_OCP bits are latched high in the SPI registers. Normal operation starts again automatically (buck operation and the nFAULT pin is released) after the tRETRY time elapses. The FAULT, BK_FLT and BK_OCP bits stay latched until the tRETRY period expires.
On hardware interface devices, the IBK_OCP threshold is set to 600-mA, whereas on SPI devices, the IBK_OCP threshold is set through the BUCK_CL bit to either to 600-mA or 150-mA.