The information in this section
provides details on how to program the pattern generator to provide a specific color
bar pattern, based on datatype, frame size, and line size.
Most basic configuration information
is determined directly from the expected video frame parameters. The requirements
should include the datatype, frame rate (frames per second), number of active lines
per frame, number of total lines per frame (active plus blanking), and number of
pixels per line.
- PGEN_ACT_LPF – Number of active
lines per frame
- PGEN_TOT_LPF – Number of total
lines per frame
- PGEN_LSIZE – Video line length
size in bytes. Compute based on pixels per line multiplied by pixel size in
- CSI-2 DataType field and
- Optional: PGEN_VBP – Vertical
back porch. This is the number of lines of vertical blanking following Frame
- Optional: PGEN_VFP – Vertical
front porch. This is the number of lines of vertical blanking preceding Frame
- PGEN_LINE_PD – Line period in
40/FC units. Compute based on Frame Rate, total lines per frame, and Forward
Channel Rate.
- PGEN Line Period = 1/
(Frame rate * PGEN_TOT_LPF) * Forward Channel Rate (Gbps)/40
- PGEN_BAR_SIZE – Color bar size in
bytes. Compute based on datatype and line length in bytes (see details