Reset Register (Address = 1h) [reset = 4h]
Reset is described in Table 13.
Return to Summary Table.
Table 13. Reset Register Field Descriptions
Bit |
Field |
Type |
Reset |
Description |
7 - 3 |
R/W |
0h |
Reserved |
2 |
R/W |
1h |
Reserved |
1 |
R/W/SC |
0h |
Digital Reset. Resets the entire digital block including registers. This bit is self-clearing.
1: Reset
0: Normal operation.
Registers which are loaded by pin strap will be restored to their original strap value when this bit is set. These registers show ‘Strap’ as their default value in this table. |
0 |
R/W/SC |
0h |
Digital Reset. Resets the entire digital block except registers. This bit is self-clearing.
1: Reset
0: Normal operation
Important Note:
- After issuing a DIGITAL_RESET1, add a 0.5-ms delay to ensure the DIGITAL_RESET1 is fully complete. |