SPRS742L June 2011 – February 2021 F28M35E20B , F28M35H22C , F28M35H52C , F28M35H52C-Q1 , F28M35M22C , F28M35M52C
The C28x local peripherals include an NMI Watchdog, three Timers, four Serial Port Peripherals (SCI, SPI, McBSP, I2C), an EPI, and three types of Control Peripherals (ePWM, eQEP, eCAP). All peripherals are accessible by the C28x CPU through the C28x Memory Bus. Additionally, the McBSP and ePWM are accessible by the C28x DMA Bus. The EPI peripheral is also accessible from the Master Subsystem. The Serial Port Peripherals and the Control Peripherals connect to the pins in Concerto through the GPIO_MUX1 block. Internally, the C28x peripherals generate events to the PIE block, C28x DMA, and the Analog Subsystem. The C28x NMI Watchdog receives a C28NMI event from the NMI block and sends a counter time-out event to the Cortex-M3 NMI block and the Resets block to flag a potentially critical condition.
The ePWM peripheral receives events that can be used to trip the ePWM outputs EPWMxA and EPWMxB. These events include ECCDBLERR event from the C28x Local Memory, PIENMIERR and EMUSTOP events from the C28x CPU, and up to 12 trips from GPIO_MUX1.
See Section 7.12 for more information on C28x peripherals.