SPRS742L June 2011 – February 2021 F28M35E20B , F28M35H22C , F28M35H52C , F28M35H52C-Q1 , F28M35M22C , F28M35M52C
This device has one Cortex-M3 USB controller. The USB controller operates as a full-speed or low-speed function controller during point-to-point communications with the USB Host, Device, or OTG functions. The controller complies with the USB 2.0 standard, which includes SUSPEND and RESUME signaling. Thirty-two endpoints, which comprised of 2 hardwired endpoints for control transfers (one endpoint for IN and one endpoint for OUT) and 30 endpoints defined by firmware, along with a dynamic sizable FIFO, support multiple packet queuing. DMA access to the FIFO allows minimal interference from system software. Software-controlled connect and disconnect allow flexibility during USB device start-up. The controller complies with the Session Request Protocol (SRP) and Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) of the OTG standard.
The USB controller includes the following features:
Figure 7-34 shows the USB peripheral.