SPRS742L June 2011 – February 2021 F28M35E20B , F28M35H22C , F28M35H52C , F28M35H52C-Q1 , F28M35M22C , F28M35M52C
Master Subsystem peripherals are located on the APB Bus and AHB Bus, and are accessible from the Cortex-M3 CPU/µDMA. The AHB peripherals include EPI, USB, and two CAN modules. The APB peripherals include EMAC, two I2Cs, five UARTs, four SSIs, four GPTIMERs, two WDOGs, NMI WDOG, and a µCRC module (Cyclic Redundancy Check). The Cortex-M3 CPU/µDMA also have access to Analog (Result Registers only) and Shared peripherals (see Section 7.10).
For detailed information on the processor peripherals, see the Concerto F28M35x Technical Reference Manual.