SPRS742L June 2011 – February 2021 F28M35E20B , F28M35H22C , F28M35H52C , F28M35H52C-Q1 , F28M35M22C , F28M35M52C
Figure 7-13 shows the internal structure of the six analog Comparator + DAC units present in Concerto devices. Each unit compares two analog inputs (A and B) and assigns a value of ‘1’ when the voltage of the A input is greater than that of the B input, or a value of ‘0’ when the opposite is true. The six A inputs and two B inputs come from AIO_MUX1 and AIO_MUX2. All six B inputs can also be provided by the 10-bit digital-to-analog units that are present in each comparator DAC. The 10-bit value for each DAC unit is programmed in the respective DACVAL register. Another comparator register, COMPCTL, can be programmed to select the source of the B input, to enable or disable the comparator circuit, to invert comparator output, to synchronize comparator output to C28x SYSCLK, and to select the qualification period (number of clock cycles). All six output signals from the six comparators can be routed out to the device pins through GPIO_MUX2 pin mux.