SBOS027C September 2000 – September 2022 INA118
As shown in Equation 1, the gain of the INA118 is set by connecting a single external resistor, RG, connected between pins 1 and 8.
Commonly used gains and resistor values are shown in Figure 9-1.
The 50-kΩ term in Equation 1 comes from the sum of the two internal feedback resistors of A1 and A2. These on-chip metal film resistors are laser-trimmed to accurate absolute values. The accuracy and temperature coefficient of these resistors are included in the gain accuracy and drift specifications of the INA118.
The stability and temperature drift of the external gain setting resistor, RG, also affects gain. The contribution of RG to gain accuracy and drift can be directly inferred from Equation 1. Low resistor values required for high gain can make wiring resistance important. Sockets add to the wiring resistance, which contributes additional gain error (possibly an unstable gain error) in gains of approximately 100 or greater.