SLYS023A December 2020 – May 2022 INA229
Table 7-3 lists the INA229 registers. All register locations not listed in Table 7-3 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.
Address |
Acronym | Register Name | Register Size (bits) | Section |
0h | CONFIG | Configuration | 16 | Go |
1h | ADC_CONFIG | ADC Configuration | 16 | Go |
2h | SHUNT_CAL | Shunt Calibration | 16 | Go |
3h | SHUNT_TEMPCO | Shunt Temperature Coefficient | 16 | Go |
4h | VSHUNT | Shunt Voltage Measurement | 24 | Go |
5h | VBUS | Bus Voltage Measurement | 24 | Go |
6h | DIETEMP | Temperature Measurement | 16 | Go |
7h | CURRENT | Current Result | 24 | Go |
8h | POWER | Power Result | 24 | Go |
9h | ENERGY | Energy Result | 40 | Go |
Ah | CHARGE | Charge Result | 40 | Go |
Bh | DIAG_ALRT | Diagnostic Flags and Alert | 16 | Go |
Ch | SOVL | Shunt Overvoltage Threshold | 16 | Go |
Dh | SUVL | Shunt Undervoltage Threshold | 16 | Go |
Eh | BOVL | Bus Overvoltage Threshold | 16 | Go |
Fh | BUVL | Bus Undervoltage Threshold | 16 | Go |
10h | TEMP_LIMIT | Temperature Over-Limit Threshold | 16 | Go |
11h | PWR_LIMIT | Power Over-Limit Threshold | 16 | Go |
3Eh | MANUFACTURER_ID | Manufacturer ID | 16 | Go |
3Fh | DEVICE_ID | Device ID | 16 | Go |
Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 7-4 shows the codes that are used for access types in this section.
Access Type | Code | Description |
Read Type | ||
R | R | Read |
Write Type | ||
W | W | Write |
Reset or Default Value | ||
-n | Value after reset or the default value |
The CONFIG register is shown in Table 7-5.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | RST | R/W | 0h | Reset Bit. Setting this bit to '1' generates a system
reset that is the same as power-on reset. Resets all registers to default values. 0h = Normal Operation 1h = System Reset sets registers to default values This bit self-clears. |
14 | RSTACC | R/W | 0h | Resets the contents of accumulation registers ENERGY
and CHARGE to 0 0h = Normal Operation 1h = Clears registers to default values for ENERGY and CHARGE registers |
13-6 | CONVDLY | R/W | 0h | Sets the Delay for initial ADC conversion in steps of
2 ms. 0h = 0 s 1h = 2 ms FFh = 510 ms |
5 | TEMPCOMP | R/W | 0h | Enables temperature compensation of an external shunt
0h = Shunt Temperature Compensation Disabled 1h = Shunt Temperature Compensation Enabled |
4 | ADCRANGE | R/W | 0h | Shunt full scale range selection across IN+ and IN–.
0h = ±163.84 mV 1h = ± 40.96 mV |
3-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
The ADC_CONFIG register is shown in Table 7-6.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-12 | MODE | R/W | Fh | The user can set the MODE bits for continuous or
triggered mode on bus voltage, shunt voltage or temperature
measurement. 0h = Shutdown 1h = Triggered bus voltage, single shot 2h = Triggered shunt voltage, single shot 3h = Triggered shunt voltage and bus voltage, single shot 4h = Triggered temperature, single shot 5h = Triggered temperature and bus voltage, single shot 6h = Triggered temperature and shunt voltage, single shot 7h = Triggered bus voltage, shunt voltage and temperature, single shot 8h = Shutdown 9h = Continuous bus voltage only Ah = Continuous shunt voltage only Bh = Continuous shunt and bus voltage Ch = Continuous temperature only Dh = Continuous bus voltage and temperature Eh = Continuous temperature and shunt voltage Fh = Continuous bus voltage, shunt voltage and temperature |
11-9 | VBUSCT | R/W | 5h | Sets the conversion time of the bus voltage
measurement: 0h = 50 µs 1h = 84 µs 2h = 150 µs 3h = 280 µs 4h = 540 µs 5h = 1052 µs 6h = 2074 µs 7h = 4120 µs |
8-6 | VSHCT | R/W | 5h | Sets the conversion time of the shunt voltage
measurement: 0h = 50 µs 1h = 84 µs 2h = 150 µs 3h = 280 µs 4h = 540 µs 5h = 1052 µs 6h = 2074 µs 7h = 4120 µs |
5-3 | VTCT | R/W | 5h | Sets the conversion time of the temperature
measurement: 0h = 50 µs 1h = 84 µs 2h = 150 µs 3h = 280 µs 4h = 540 µs 5h = 1052 µs 6h = 2074 µs 7h = 4120 µs |
2-0 | AVG | R/W | 0h | Selects ADC sample averaging count. The averaging
setting applies to all active inputs. When >0h, the output registers are updated after the averaging has completed. 0h = 1 1h = 4 2h = 16 3h = 64 4h = 128 5h = 256 6h = 512 7h = 1024 |
The SHUNT_CAL register is shown in Table 7-7.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
14-0 | SHUNT_CAL | R/W | 1000h | The register provides the device with a conversion
constant value that represents shunt resistance used to calculate
current value in Amperes. This also sets the resolution for the CURRENT register. Value calculation under Section 8.1.2. |
The SHUNT_TEMPCO register is shown in Table 7-8.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-14 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
13-0 | TEMPCO | R/W | 0h | Temperature coefficient of the shunt for temperature
compensation correction. Calculated with respect to +25 °C. The full scale value of the register is 16383 ppm/°C. The 16 bit register provides a resolution of 1ppm/°C/LSB 0h = 0 ppm/°C 3FFFh = 16383 ppm/°C |
The VSHUNT register is shown in Table 7-9.
Return to the Summary Table.
The VBUS register is shown in Table 7-10.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
23-4 | VBUS | R | 0h | Bus voltage output. Two's complement value, however
always positive. Conversion factor: 195.3125 µV/LSB |
3-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
The DIETEMP register is shown in Table 7-11.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | DIETEMP | R | 0h | Internal die temperature measurement. Two's complement
value. Conversion factor: 7.8125 m°C/LSB |
The CURRENT register is shown in Table 7-12.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
23-4 | CURRENT | R | 0h | Calculated current output in Amperes. Two's complement
value. Value description under Section 8.1.2. |
3-0 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
The POWER register is shown in Table 7-13.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
23-0 | POWER | R | 0h | Calculated power output. Output value in watts. Unsigned representation. Positive value. Value description under Section 8.1.2. |
The ENERGY register is shown in Table 7-14.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
39-0 | ENERGY | R | 0h | Calculated energy output. Output value is in Joules.Unsigned representation. Positive value. Value description under Section 8.1.2. |
The CHARGE register is shown in Table 7-15.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
39-0 | CHARGE | R | 0h | Calculated charge output. Output value is in
Coulombs.Two's complement value. Value description under Section 8.1.2. |
The DIAG_ALRT register is shown in Table 7-16.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | ALATCH | R/W | 0h | When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Transparent
mode, the Alert pin and Flag bit reset to the idle state when the
fault has been cleared. When the Alert Latch Enable bit is set to Latch mode, the Alert pin and Alert Flag bit remain active following a fault until the DIAG_ALRT Register has been read. 0h = Transparent 1h = Latched |
14 | CNVR | R/W | 0h | Setting this bit high configures the Alert pin to be
asserted when the Conversion Ready Flag (bit 1) is asserted,
indicating that a conversion cycle has completed. 0h = Disable conversion ready flag on ALERT pin 1h = Enables conversion ready flag on ALERT pin |
13 | SLOWALERT | R/W | 0h | When enabled, ALERT function is asserted on the
completed averaged value. This gives the flexibility to delay the ALERT until after the averaged value. 0h = ALERT comparison on non-averaged (ADC) value 1h = ALERT comparison on averaged value |
12 | APOL | R/W | 0h | Alert Polarity bit sets the Alert pin polarity. 0h = Normal (Active-low, open-drain) 1h = Inverted (active-high, open-drain ) |
11 | ENERGYOF | R | 0h | This bit indicates the health of the ENERGY register.
If the 40 bit ENERGY register has overflowed this bit is set to 1. 0h = Normal 1h = Overflow Clears when the ENERGY register is read. |
10 | CHARGEOF | R | 0h | This bit indicates the health of the CHARGE
register. If the 40 bit CHARGE register has overflowed this bit is set to 1. 0h = Normal 1h = Overflow Clears when the CHARGE register is read. |
9 | MATHOF | R | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if an arithmetic operation
resulted in an overflow error. It indicates that current and power data may be invalid. 0h = Normal 1h = Overflow Must be manually cleared by triggering another conversion or by clearing the accumulators with the RSTACC bit. |
8 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved. Always read 0. |
7 | TMPOL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the temperature measurement
exceeds the threshold limit in the temperature over-limit register.
0h = Normal 1h = Over Temp Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
6 | SHNTOL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the shunt voltage measurement
exceeds the threshold limit in the shunt over-limit register. 0h = Normal 1h = Over Shunt Voltage Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
5 | SHNTUL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the shunt voltage measurement
falls below the threshold limit in the shunt under-limit register.
0h = Normal 1h = Under Shunt Voltage Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
4 | BUSOL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the bus voltage measurement
exceeds the threshold limit in the bus over-limit register. 0h = Normal 1h = Bus Over-Limit Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
3 | BUSUL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the bus voltage measurement
falls below the threshold limit in the bus under-limit register. 0h = Normal 1h = Bus Under-Limit Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
2 | POL | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the power measurement exceeds
the threshold limit in the power limit register. 0h = Normal 1h = Power Over-Limit Event When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register. |
1 | CNVRF | R/W | 0h | This bit is set to 1 if the conversion is completed.
0h = Normal 1h = Conversion is complete When ALATCH =1 this bit is cleared by reading this register or starting a new triggered conversion. |
0 | MEMSTAT | R/W | 1h | This bit is set to 0 if a checksum error is detected
in the device trim memory space. 0h = Memory Checksum Error 1h = Normal Operation |
If negative values are entered in this register, then a shunt voltage measurement of 0 V will trip this alarm. When using negative values for the shunt under and overvoltage thresholds be aware that the over voltage threshold must be set to the larger (that is, less negative) of the two values. The SOVL register is shown in Table 7-17.
Return to the Summary Table.
The SUVL register is shown in Table 7-18.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | SUVL | R/W | 8000h | Sets the threshold for comparison of the value to
detect Shunt Undervoltage (undercurrent protection). Two's
complement value. Conversion Factor: 5 µV/LSB when ADCRANGE = 0 1.25 µV/LSB when ADCRANGE = 1. |
The BOVL register is shown in Table 7-19.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | Reserved | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
14-0 | BOVL | R/W | 7FFFh | Sets the threshold for comparison of the value to
detect Bus Overvoltage (overvoltage protection). Unsigned
representation, positive value only. Conversion factor: 3.125
mV/LSB. |
The BUVL register is shown in Table 7-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15 | Reserved | R | 0h | Reserved. Always reads 0. |
14-0 | BUVL | R/W | 0h | Sets the threshold for comparison of the value to
detect Bus Undervoltage (undervoltage protection). Unsigned
representation, positive value only. Conversion factor: 3.125
mV/LSB. |
The TEMP_LIMIT register is shown in Table 7-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | TOL | R/W | 7FFFh | Sets the threshold for comparison of the value to
detect over temperature measurements. Two's complement value. The value entered in this field compares directly against the value from the DIETEMP register to determine if an over temperature condition exists. Conversion factor: 7.8125 m°C/LSB. |
The PWR_LIMIT register is shown in Table 7-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | POL | R/W | FFFFh | Sets the threshold for comparison of the value to
detect power over-limit measurements. Unsigned representation,
positive value only. The value entered in this field compares directly against the value from the POWER register to determine if an over power condition exists. Conversion factor: 256 × Power LSB. |
The MANUFACTURER_ID register is shown in Table 7-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-0 | MANFID | R | 5449h | Reads back TI in ASCII. |
The DEVICE_ID register is shown in Table 7-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15-4 | DIEID | R | 229h | Stores the device identification bits. |
3-0 | REV_ID | R | 1h | Device revision identification. |