SBOS775C September 2016 – March 2019 INA302 , INA303
The comparators are set to transparent output mode when the corresponding LATCHx pin is pulled low. When set to transparent mode, the output of the comparators changes and follows the input signal with respect to the programmed alert threshold. For example, when the amplifier output violates the set limit value, the ALERTx output pin is pulled low. As soon as the differential input signal drops to less than the alert threshold, the output returns to the default high output state. A common implementation using the device in transparent mode is to connect the ALERTx pins to a hardware interrupt input on a microcontroller. The ALERTx pin is pulled low as soon as an out-of-range condition is detected, thus notifying the microcontroller. The microcontroller immediately reacts to the alert and takes action to address the overcurrent condition. In transparent output mode, there is no need to latch the state of the alert output because the microcontroller responds as soon as the out-of-range condition occurs.