SLLSFN5A June 2023 – February 2024 ISO1228
Figure 8-3 shows the implementation of sourcing type digital inputs. The considerations are similar to sinking type digital inputs, except for a few differences. Firstly, the direction of the LEDs on LEDx pins is reversed, and they are connected to the module field power supply V24V instead of to AVSS. Secondly, the RILIM and CFIL components are connected in the AVSS to field Ground path. Both these changes are required to facilitate the current from the V24V supply to the module inputs through RTHR resistors.RTHR, RILIM and RPAR can be selected from Surge ProtectionFAULT IndicationCurrent LimitVoltage ThresholdsWire-Break Detection for IEC 61131-2 Type 1, 2, 3 Isolated Digital Inputs.