SNOSCZ0A December 2014 – March 2018 LDC1312 , LDC1314
The LDC includes a sensor current Auto-calibration mode which can be dynamically set the sensor drive current. The auto-amplitude correction attempts to maintain the sensor oscillation amplitude between 1.2V and 1.8V by adjusting the sensor drive current between conversions.
This functionality is enabled by setting AUTO_AMP_DIS to b0, and applies to all active channels. The INIT_IDRIVEx register field will be updated with the current drive value as the sensor current drive setting changes. The value of the INIT_IDRIVEx register field matches the setting of the IDRIVEx register field. For example, an INIT_IDRIVEx field with b10001 corresponds to a current drive of 195 µA.
When auto-amplitude correction is active, the output data may experience offsets in the channel output code due to adjustments in drive current. Due to these offsets, Auto-amplitude correction is generally not recommended for use in high precision applications.