SNOSDI7 December 2023 LDC5071-Q1
Some cases can use fixed gain mode where the variation in INx amplitudes between boards is sufficiently small and the air gap is well controlled. One advantage to fixed gain mode is that changes in OUTx amplitudes can be measured by the host MCU. This could lead to information about air gap variance. One disadvantage to fixed gain mode is that the signal path gain will not adjust due to variances, which could lead to saturation if the signal is too large, or lead to increased error due to low SNR if the signal is too small.
To use fixed gain mode, first determine the maximum amplitude of the signal at the INx inputs. This is calculated by knowing the maximum coupling coefficient between the LC exciter coil and the Sin/Cos coils (see Equation 10 and Equation 11).
Keep the single-ended OUTx voltages within 10% to 90% of VREG. This example use a differential amplitude of 2.0 V.
When the desired gain is known, the voltage to apply to the AGC_EN pin can be calculated by rearranging Equation 7.
From there, the pullup and pulldown resistors can be calculated to achieve %VREGDesired. Make sure there are 0.1% tolerant resistors and that the loading does not violate the ILOAD_REG_EXT specification.
Choose R2 = 10 kΩ
Finally, choose the closest resistor value and make sure that the final gain will be within the acceptable limits. In this case, choose R1 = 16.0 kΩ.