SNOSDI7 December 2023 LDC5071-Q1
The LDC5071-Q1 is equipped with diagnostics features to detect, monitor, and report failures that either existed before the power up or occurred during device operation. In the event of a failure, the LDC5071-Q1 is placed either in IDLE, DISABLED, or FAULT state (based on the failure nature), the LC oscillator is turned off, the AFE is disabled, and the output pins are tri-stated, and consequently, are pulled up or down by external resistors. From the FAULT state, the LDC5071-Q1 returns to DIAGNOSTICS state if the fault condition is removed. From the DISABLED state, the LDC5071-Q1 is moved to IDLE state after a power cycle (see Device Functional Modes).
The LDC5071-Q1 tri-states its output to signal a fault. As shown in Application and Implementation, it is expected that a combination of pullup or pulldown resistors are added on OUTx pins at the termination site (that is, at the microcontroller). The values of these resistors are specified as RPU_OUT and RPD_OUT in Specifications. The resistors are generally pulled up to a supply (typically VCC) and pulled down to ground such that the ADC code on the MCU is out of the expected range. This will signal a fault to the microcontroller.