SNVS560E March   2008  – October 2017 LM2854


  1. Features
  2. Applications
  3. Description
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4 Thermal Information
    5. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6 Typical Characteristics
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1  Switching Frequency
      2. 7.3.2  Enable
      3. 7.3.3  Soft-Start
      4. 7.3.4  Tracking
      5. 7.3.5  Pre-Biased Start-up Capability
      6. 7.3.6  Feedback Voltage Accuracy
      7. 7.3.7  Positive Current Limit
      8. 7.3.8  Negative Current Limit
      9. 7.3.9  Overtemperature Protection
      10. 7.3.10 Loop Compensation
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 7.4.1 Shutdown Mode
      2. 7.4.2 Soft-Start and Track Mode
      3. 7.4.3 Normal Operating Mode
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
    2. 8.2 Typical Application
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1. Input Filter Capacitor
        2. AVIN Filtering Components
        3. Soft-Start Capacitor
        4. Tracking - Equal Soft-Start Time
        5. Tracking - Equal Slew Rates
        6. Enable and UVLO
        7. Output Voltage Setting
        8. Compensation Component Selection
        9. Filter Inductor and Output Capacitor Selection
      3. 8.2.3 Application Curves
      4. 8.2.4 System Examples
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Documentation Support
      1. 11.1.1 Related Documentation
    2. 11.2 Trademarks
    3. 11.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    4. 11.4 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

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Orderable Information

Application and Implementation


Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.

Application Information

The LM2854 is designed to convert voltage between 2.95 V and 5.5 V to a well-regulated voltage between input voltage and 0.8 V.

Typical Application

LM2854 30052801.gif Figure 15. Typical Application Diagram

Design Requirements

Before starting a design, the following five design criteria should be considered. These criteria are the basic inputs into the detailed design procedure listed below.

  • Output voltage: Choose an output voltage between 0.8 V and the lowest expected input voltage.
  • Size vs efficiency: Choose 1 MHz for small physical size, and 500 kHz switching frequency for efficiency.
  • Step load response and ripple: Use this criterion to select output capacitance. Also see compensation in Detailed Design Procedure.
  • UVLO: Input UVLO voltage should be selected. A voltage divider connected to the EN input can be used to select input start-up voltage.
  • Tracking: If tracking is desired, a voltage divider can be connected to the SS node.

Detailed Design Procedure

Input Filter Capacitor

Fast switching currents place a large strain on the input supply to a buck regulator. A capacitor placed close to the PVIN and PGND pins of the LM2854 helps to supply the instantaneous charge required when the regulator demands a pulse of current every switching cycle. In fact, the input capacitor conducts a square-wave current of peak-to-peak amplitude equal to IOUT. With this high AC current present in the input capacitor, the RMS current rating becomes an important parameter. The necessary RMS current rating of the input capacitor to a buck regulator can be estimated using Equation 1.

Equation 1. LM2854 30052837.gif

where the PWM duty cycle, D, is given in Equation 2.

Equation 2. LM2854 30052838.gif

Neglecting capacitor ESR, the resultant input capacitor AC ripple voltage is a triangular waveform with peak-to-peak amplitude specified in Equation 3.

Equation 3. LM2854 30052839.gif

The maximum input capacitor ripple voltage and RMS current occur at 50% duty cycle. A 22-µF or 47-µF high-quality dielectric (X5R, X7R) ceramic capacitor with adequate voltage rating is typically sufficient as an input capacitor to the LM2854. The input capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the PVIN and PGND pins to substantially eliminate the parasitic effects of any stray inductance or resistance on the PC board and supply lines. Additional bulk capacitance with higher ESR may be required to damp any resonance effects of the input capacitance and parasitic inductance.

AVIN Filtering Components

In addition to the large input filter capacitor, a smaller ceramic capacitor such as a 0.1 µF or 1.0 µF is recommended between AVIN and AGND to filter high frequency noise present on the PVIN rail from the quiet AVIN supply. For additional filtering in noisy environments, a small RC filter can be used on the AVIN pin as shown below.

LM2854 30052840.gif Figure 16. Filtering of AVIN

In general, RF is typically selected between 1 Ω and 10 Ω so that the steady state voltage drop across the resistor due to the AVIN bias current does not affect the UVLO level. Recommended filter capacitor, CF, is 1 µF in X5R or X7R dielectric.

Soft-Start Capacitor

When the LM2854 is enabled, the output voltage will ramp up linearly in the time dictated by the relationship shown in Equation 4.

Equation 4. LM2854 30052841.gif

where VREF is the internal reference voltage (nominally 0.8V), ISS is the soft-start charging current (nominally 2 µA) and CSS is the external soft-start capacitance. Rearranging this equation allows for the necessary soft-start capacitor for a given start-up time to be calculated as in Equation 5.

Equation 5. LM2854 30052842.gif

Thus, the required soft start capacitor per unit output voltage start-up time is given in Equation 6.

Equation 6. CSS = 2.5 nF / ms

For example, a 10 nF soft-start capacitor will yield a 4 ms soft-start time.

Tracking - Equal Soft-Start Time

One way to use the tracking feature is to design the tracking resistor divider so that the master supply output voltage, VOUT1, and the LM2854 output voltage, VOUT2, both rise together and reach their target values at the same time. This is termed ratiometric start-up. For this case, the equation governing the values of tracking divider resistors RT1 and RT2 is given in Equation 7.

Equation 7. LM2854 30052858.gif

The above equation includes an offset voltage to ensure that the final value of the SS pin voltage exceeds the reference voltage of the LM2854. This offset will cause the LM2854 output voltage to reach regulation slightly before the master supply. A value of 33 kΩ 1% is recommended for RT2 as a compromise between high precision and low quiescent current through the divider while minimizing the effect of the 2 µA soft-start current source.

For example, If the master supply voltage VOUT1 is 3.3V and the LM2854 output voltage was 1.8V, then the value of RT1 needed to give the two supplies identical soft-start times would be 14.3 kΩ. A timing diagram for this example, the equal soft-start time case, is shown in Figure 17.

LM2854 30052859.gif Figure 17. Simplified Start-up Waveforms When Using Proportional Tracking

Tracking - Equal Slew Rates

Alternatively, the tracking feature can be used to have similar output voltage ramp rates. This is referred to as simultaneous start-up. In this case, the tracking resistors can be calculated using Equation 8.

Equation 8. LM2854 30052860.gif

and to ensure proper overdrive of the SS pin as calculated in Equation 9.

Equation 9. VOUT2 < 0.8 VOUT1

For the example case of VOUT1 = 5 V and VOUT2 = 2.5 V, with RT2 set to 33 kΩ as before, RT1 is calculated from the above equation to be 15.5 kΩ. A timing diagram for the case of equal slew rates is shown in Figure 18.

LM2854 30052861.gif Figure 18. Simplified Start-up Waveforms, Showing Tracking Used to Achieve Equal Slew Rates

Enable and UVLO

Using a resistor divider from VIN to EN as shown in the schematic diagram below, the input voltage at which the part begins switching can be increased above the normal input UVLO level as shown in Equation 10.

Equation 10. LM2854 30052843.gif

For example, suppose that the required input UVLO level is 3.69 V. Choosing REN2 = 10 kΩ, then we calculate REN1 = 20 kΩ.

LM2854 30052844.gif Figure 19. Simplified Schematic Showing Use of EN as an Input UVLO

Alternatively, the EN pin can be driven from another voltage source to cater for system sequencing requirements commonly found in FPGA and other multi-rail applications. The following schematic shows an LM2854 that is sequenced to start based on the voltage level of a master system rail.

LM2854 30052845.gif Figure 20. Simplified Schematic Showing EN Used to Cascade Power Supply Start-up

Output Voltage Setting

A divider resistor network from VOUT to the FB pin determines the desired output voltage as shown in Equation 11.

Equation 11. LM2854 30052846.gif

RFB1 is defined based on the voltage loop requirements and RFB2 is then selected for the desired output voltage. These resistors are normally selected as 0.5% or 1% tolerance.

Compensation Component Selection

The power stage transfer function of a voltage mode buck converter has a complex double pole related to the LC output filter and a left half plane zero due to the output capacitor ESR, denoted RESR. The locations of these singularities are given respectively in Equation 12.

Equation 12. LM2854 30052847.gif


  • CO is the output capacitance value appropriately derated for applied voltage and operating temperature
  • RL is the effective load resistance
  • RDCR is the series damping resistance associated with the inductor and power switches
LM2854 30052848.gif Figure 21. LM2854 Compensation Scheme

The conventional compensation strategy employed with voltage mode control is to use two compensator zeros to offset the LC double pole, one compensator pole located to cancel the output capacitor ESR zero and one compensator pole located between one third and one half switching frequency for high frequency noise attenuation.

The LM2854 internal compensation components are designed to locate a pole at the origin and a pole at high frequency as mentioned above. Furthermore, a zero is located at 8.8 kHz or 17.6 kHz for the 500 kHz or 1 MHz options, respectively, to approximately cancel the likely location of one LC filter pole.

The three external compensation components, RFB1, RCOMP and CCOMP, are selected to position a zero at or below the LC pole location and a pole to cancel the ESR zero. The voltage loop crossover frequency, floop, is usually selected between one tenth to one fifth of the switching frequency, as shown in Equation 13.

Equation 13. 0.1fSW ≤ floop ≤ 0.2fSW

A simple solution for the required external compensation capacitor, CCOMP, with type III voltage mode control can be expressed as in Equation 14.

Equation 14. LM2854 30052849.gif

where the constant α is nominally 0.038 or 0.075 for the 500 kHz or 1 MHz options, respectively. This assumes a compensator pole cancels the output capacitor ESR zero. Furthermore, since the modulator gain is proportional to VIN, the loop crossover frequency increases with VIN. Thus, it is recommended to design the loop at maximum expected VIN.

The upper feedback resistor, RFB1, is selected to provide adequate mid-band gain and to locate a zero at or below the LC pole frequency. The series resistor, RCOMP, is selected to locate a pole at the ESR zero frequency, as shown in Equation 15.

Equation 15. LM2854 30052850.gif

Note that the lower feedback resistor, RFB2, has no impact on the control loop from an AC standpoint since the FB pin is the input to an error amplifier and effectively at AC ground. Hence, the control loop can be designed irrespective of output voltage level. The only caveat here is the necessary derating of the output capacitance with applied voltage. Having chosen RFB1 as above, RFB2 is then selected for the desired output voltage.

Table 1 and Table 2 list inductor and ranges of capacitor values that work well with the LM2854, along with the associated compensation components to ensure stable operation. Values different than those listed may be used, but the compensation components may need to be recalculated to avoid degradation in phase margin. Note that the capacitance ranges specified refer to in-circuit values where the nominal capacitance value is adequately derated for applied voltage.

Filter Inductor and Output Capacitor Selection

In a buck regulator, selection of the filter inductor and capacitor will affect many key system parameters, including stability, transient response and efficiency The LM2854 can accommodate relatively wide ranges of output capacitor and filter inductor values in a typical application and still achieve excellent load current transient performance and low output voltage ripple.

The inductance is chosen such that the peak-to-peak inductor current ripple, ΔiL, is approximately 25 to 40% of IOUT as shown in Equation 16.

Equation 16. LM2854 30052851.gif

Note that the peak inductor current is the DC output current plus half the ripple current and reaches its highest level at lowest duty cycle (or highest VIN). It is recommended that the inductor should have a saturation current rating in excess of the current limit level.

When operating the LM2854 at input voltages above 5.2 V, the inductor should be sized to keep the minimum inductor current above –0.5 A. For most applications this should only occur at light loads or when the inductor is drastically undersized. To ensure the current never goes below –0.5 A for any application, the peak-to-peak ripple current (ΔiL) in the inductor should be less than 1 A. Keeping the minimum inductor current above –0.5 A limits the energy storage in the inductor and helps prevent the switch node voltage from exceeding the absolute maximum specification when the low side FET turns off.

Table 3 lists examples of off-the-shelf powdered iron and ferrite based inductors that are suitable for use with the LM2854. The output capacitor can be of ceramic or electrolytic chemistry. The chosen output capacitor requires sufficient DC voltage rating and RMS ripple current handling capability.

The output capacitor RMS current and peak-to-peak output ripple are given respectively as in Equation 17.

Equation 17. LM2854 30052852.gif

In general, 22 µF to 100 µF of ceramic output capacitance is sufficient for both LM2854 frequency options given the optimal high frequency characteristics and low ESR of ceramic dielectric. It is advisable to consult the manufacturer’s derating curves for capacitance voltage coefficient as the in-circuit capacitance may drop significantly with applied voltage.

Tantalum or organic polymer electrolytic capacitance may be suitable with the LM2854 500 kHz option, particularly in applications where substantial bulk capacitance per unit volume is required. However, the high loop bandwidth achievable with the LM2854 obviates the necessity for large bulk capacitance during transient loading conditions.

Table 4 lists some examples of commercially available capacitors that can be used with the LM2854.

Table 1. LM2854 500-kHz Compensation Component Values

VIN (V) LO (µH) CO (µF) ESR (mΩ) RFB1 (kΩ) CCOMP (pF) RCOMP (kΩ)
5 1.5 40 100 2 10 150 47 1
1.5 100 200 1 5 150 100 1
1.5 100 220 15 25 150 120 25
2.2 40 100 2 10 150 68 1
2.2 100 200 1 5 150 120 1
2.2 100 220 15 25 120 120 15
3.3 1.5 40 100 2 10 150 68 1
1.5 100 200 1 5 100 150 1
1.5 100 220 15 25 100 150 15
2.2 40 100 2 10 150 100 1
2.2 100 200 1 5 100 220 1
2.2 100 220 15 25 100 220 10

Table 2. LM2854 1-MHz Compensation Component Values

VIN (V) LO (µH) CO (µF) ESR (mΩ) RFB1 (kΩ) CCOMP (pF) RCOMP (kΩ)
5 0.68 20 60 2 10 120 33 1
0.68 60 150 1 5 75 100 1
0.68 100 220 15 25 100 100 20
1 20 60 2 10 100 56 1
1 60 150 1 5 75 150 1
1 100 220 15 25 75 150 15
3.3 0.68 20 60 2 10 75 56 1
0.68 60 150 1 5 50 150 1
0.68 100 220 15 25 50 150 12
1 20 60 2 10 75 82 1
1 60 150 1 5 50 220 1
1 100 220 15 25 33 330 10

Table 3. Recommended Filter Inductors

0.47 14.5 Vishay Dale IHLP1616BZERR47M11 4.06 × 4.45 × 2.00
1 24 Vishay Dale IHLP1616BZER1R0M11 4.06 × 4.45 × 2.00
0.47 8.4 Vishay Dale IHLP2525AHERR47M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 1.80
0.47 6 Vishay Dale IHLP2525BDERR47M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 2.40
0.68 8.7 Vishay Dale IHLP2525BDERR68M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 2.40
0.82 10.6 Vishay Dale IHLP2525BDERR82M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 2.40
1 13.1 Vishay Dale IHLP2525BDER1R0M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 2.40
1.5 18.5 Vishay Dale IHLP2525BDER1R5M01 6.47 × 6.86 × 2.40
2.2 15.7 Vishay Dale IHLP2525CZER2R2M11 6.47 × 6.86 × 3.00
0.47 3.5 Sumida CDMC6D28NP-R47M 6.50 × 7.25 × 3.00
0.68 4.5 Sumida CDMC6D28NP-R68M 6.50 × 7.25 × 3.00
1 17.3 Sumida CDMC6D28NP-1R0M 6.50 × 7.25 × 3.00
1.5 10.4 Sumida CDMC6D28NP-1R5M 6.50 × 7.25 × 3.00
2.2 16.1 Sumida CDMC6D28NP-2R2M 6.50 × 7.25 × 3.00
0.56 10 Coilcraft DO1813H-561ML 6.10 × 8.89 × 5.00
0.47 3.3 Coilcraft HA3619-471ALC 7 × 7 × 3
0.68 4.8 Coilcraft HA3619-681ALC 7 × 7 × 3
1 7.5 Coilcraft HA3619-102ALC 7 × 7 × 3
1.2 9.4 Coilcraft HA3619-122ALC 7 × 7 × 3
1.5 11.5 Coilcraft HA3619-152ALC 7 × 7 × 3
1.8 16.5 Coilcraft HA3619-182ALC 7 × 7 × 3
0.47 3.3 TDK SPM6530T-R47M170 7.1 × 6.5 × 3
0.68 4.9 TDK SPM6530T-R68M140 7.1 × 6.5 × 3
1 7.1 TDK SPM6530T-1R0M120 7.1 × 6.5 × 3
1.5 9.7 TDK SPM6530T-1R5M100 7.1 × 6.5 × 3
0.47 14 Cyntec PCMC042T-0R47MN 4 × 4.5 × 2
1.0 9 Cyntec PCMC063T-1R0MN 6.5 × 6.9 × 3
1.5 14 Cyntec PCMC063T-1R5MN 6.5 × 6.9 × 3

Table 4. Recommended Filter Capacitors

22 6.3, < 5 Ceramic, X5R TDK C3216X5R0J226M 1206
47 6.3, < 5 Ceramic, X5R TDK C3216X5R0J476M 1206
47 6.3, < 5 Ceramic, X5R TDK C3225X5R0J476M 1210
47 10, < 5 Ceramic, X5R TDK C3225X5R1A476M 1210
100 6.3, < 5 Ceramic, X5R TDK C3225X5R0J107M 1210
100 6.3, 50 Tantalum AVX TPSD157M006#0050 D, 7.5 × 4.3 × 2.9 mm
100 6.3, 25 Organic Polymer Sanyo 6TPE100MPB2 B2, 3.5 × 2.8 × 1.9 mm
150 6.3, 18 Organic Polymer Sanyo 6TPE150MIC2 C2, 6 × 3.2 × 1.8 mm
330 6.3, 18 Organic Polymer Sanyo 6TPE330MIL D3L, 7.3 × 4.3 × 2.8 mm
470 6.3, 23 Niobium Oxide AVX NOME37M006#0023 E, 7.3 × 4.3 × 4.1 mm

Application Curves

Unless otherwise specified, the following conditions apply: VIN = PVIN = AVIN = EN = 5 V, CIN is 47-μF 10-V X5R ceramic capacitor, LO is from TDK SPM6530T family; TAMBIENT = 25°C.
LM2854 30052815.gif Figure 22. LM2854 1-MHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 0.8 V, LO = 0.47 µH, 3.3-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052817.gif Figure 24. LM2854 1-MHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 1.2 V, LO = 0.68 µH, 4.9-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052819.gif Figure 26. LM2854 1-MHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 1.8 V, LO = 1 µH, 7.1-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052821.gif Figure 28. LM2854 500-kHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 2.5 V, LO = 2.2 µH, 16-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052823.gif Figure 30. LM2854 500-kHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 3.3 V, LO = 1.5 µH, 9.7-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052825.png Figure 32. LM2854 1-MHz Bode Plot VIN = 3.3 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 150 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 100 pF, LOUT = 0.82 µH, COUT = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052827.png Figure 34. LM2854 1-MHz Bode Plot VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 150 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 100 pF, LOUT = 0.82 µH, COUT = 100 µF
LM2854 30052829.png Figure 36. LM2854 1-MHz Bode Plot VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 150 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 68 pF, LOUT = 0.82 µH, COUT = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052831.png Figure 38. LM2854 500-kHz Power On Characteristic
VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A, CSS = 220 pF
LM2854 30052833.png Figure 40. LM2854 500-kHz Power Off Characteristic
VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A, CSS = 220 pF
LM2854 30052856.png Figure 42. LM2854 500-kHz Start-up Waveform VOUT =
2.5 V, IOUT = 0 A
LM2854 30052816.gif Figure 23. LM2854 1-MHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 2.5 V, LO = 1 µH, 7.1-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052818.gif Figure 25. LM2854 1-MHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 3.3 V, LO = 1 µH, 7.1-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052820.gif Figure 27. LM2854 500-kHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 0.8 V, LO = 1 µH, 7.1-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052822.gif Figure 29. LM2854 500-kHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 1.2 V, LO = 1.5 µH, 9.7-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052824.gif Figure 31. LM2854 500-kHz Efficiency vs IOUT VOUT = 1.8 V, LO = 1.5 µH, 9.7-mΩ DCR
LM2854 30052826.png Figure 33. LM2854 500-kHz Bode Plot VIN = 3.3 V,
VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 250 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 47 pF, LOUT = 1.5 µH, COUT = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052828.png Figure 35. LM2854 500-kHz Bode Plot VIN = 5 V,
VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 250 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 47 pF, LOUT = 1.5 µH, COUT = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052830.png Figure 37. LM2854 500-kHz Bode Plot VIN = 5 V,
VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 4 A RFB1 = 250 kΩ, RCOMP = 1 kΩ, CCOMP = 33 pF, LOUT = 1.5 µH, COUT = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052832.png Figure 39. LM2854 500-kHz Power On through Enable
VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 4 A, CSS = 220 pF
LM2854 30052834.png Figure 41. LM2854 1-MHz Load Transient Response
VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT = 0.5-A to 4-A to 0.5-A step di/dt ≊ 4 A/µs, CO = 100-µF Ceramic
LM2854 30052855.png Figure 43. LM2854 500-kHz Pre-Biased Start-up Waveform (Oscilloscope Set at Infinite Persistence) VOUT = 2.5 V,
IOUT = 0 A, VPRE-BIAS = 1.25 V

System Examples

This section provides several application solutions with an associated bill of materials, listed in Table 5 to Table 7. All bill of materials reference the schematic in Figure 44. The compensation for each solution was optimized to work over the full input range. Many applications have a fixed input voltage rail. It is possible to modify the compensation to obtain a faster transient response for a given input voltage operating point.

LM2854 30052854.gif Figure 44. LM2854 Application Circuit Schematic

Table 5. LM2854 500-kHz Bill of Materials, VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 3.3 V, IOUT(MAX) = 4 A, Optimized for Efficiency

U1 Synchronous Buck Regulator HTSSOP-16 Texas Instruments LM2854MHX-500
CIN 47 µF, X5R, 10 V 1210 TDK C3225X5R1A476M
CO 100 µF, X5R, 6.3 V 1210 TDK C3225X5R0J107M
LO 1.5 µH, 9.7 mΩ, 10 A 7.1 × 6.5 × 3.0 mm TDK SPM6530T-1R5M100
RFB1 249 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06032493F-e3
RFB2 80.6 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW060328062F-e3
RCOMP 1 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06031001F-e3
RF 1 Ω 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06031R0F-e3
CCOMP 33 pF, ±5%, C0G, 50 V 0603 TDK C1608C0G1H330J
CSS 10 nF, ±10%, X7R, 16 V 0603 Murata GRM188R71C103KA01
CF 1.0 µF, ±10%, X7R, 10 V 0603 Murata GRM188R71A105KA61

Table 6. LM2854 1-MHz Bill of Materials, VIN = 3.3 V to 5 V, VOUT = 2.5 V, IOUT (MAX) = 4 A, Optimized for Electrolytic Input and Output Capacitance

U1 Synchronous Buck Regulator HTSSOP-16 Texas Instruments LM2854MHX-1000
CIN 150 µF, 6.3 V, 18 mΩ C2, 6 × 3.2 × 1.8 mm Sanyo 6TPE150MIC2
CO 330 µF, 6.3 V, 18 mΩ D3L, 7.3 × 4.3 × 2.8 mm Sanyo 6TPE330MIL
LO 2.2 µH, 16 mΩ, 7 A 6.47 × 6.86 × 3 mm Vishay Dale IHLP2525CZER2R2M11
RFB1 100 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06031003F-e3
RFB2 47.5 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW060324752F-e3
RCOMP 15 kΩ 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06031502F-e3
RF 1 Ω 0603 Vishay Dale CRCW06031R0F-e3
CCOMP 330 pF, ±5%, C0G, 50 V 0603 TDK C1608C0G1H331J
CSS 10 nF, ±10%, X7R, 16 V 0603 Murata GRM188R71C103KA01
CF 1 µF,±10%, X7R, 10 V 0603 Murata GRM188R71A105KA61

Table 7. LM2854 1-MHz Bill of Materials, VIN = 3.3 V, VOUT = 0.8 V, IOUT (MAX) = 4 A, Optimized for Solution Size and Transient Response

U1 Synchronous Buck Regulator HTSSOP-16 Texas Instruments LM2854MHX-1000
CIN 47 µF, X5R, 6.3 V 1206 TDK C3216X5R0J476M
CO 47 µF, X5R, 6.3 V 1206 TDK C3216X5R0J476M
LO 0.47 µH, 14.5 mΩ, 7 A 4.06 × 4.45 × 2.00 mm Vishay Dale IHLP1616BZER0R47M11
RFB1 110 kΩ 0402 Vishay Dale CRCW04021103F-e3
RCOMP 1 kΩ 0402 Vishay Dale CRCW04021001F-e3
RF 1 Ω 0402 Vishay Dale CRCW04021R0F-e3
CCOMP 27 pF, ±5%, C0G, 50 V 0402 Murata GRM1555C1H270JZ01
CSS 10 nF, ±10%, X7R, 16 V 0402 Murata GRM155R71C103KA01
CF 1 µF, ±10%, X7R, 10 V 0402 Murata GRM155R61A105KE15