This typical
characteristics section is applicable for LM324B and LM2902B. Typical
characteristics data in this section was taken with TA = 25°C,
VS = 36 V (±18 V), VCM = VS / 2,
RLOAD = 10 kΩ connected to VS / 2 (unless otherwise
Figure 5-1 Offset Voltage Production Distribution
Figure 5-3 Offset Voltage vs Temperature
Figure 5-5 Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs Frequency
Figure 5-7 Output Voltage Swing vs Output Current (Sourcing)
Figure 5-9 PSRR
vs Frequency
Figure 5-11 Power
Supply Rejection Ratio vs Temperature
Figure 5-13 Input
Voltage Noise Spectral Density vs Frequency
G = –1, f = 1 kHz, BW = 80
kHz, |
VOUT = 10
VPP, RL connected to
V– |
See Section 6 |
Figure 5-15 THD+N
Ratio vs Frequency, G = –1
G = –1, f = 1 kHz, BW = 80
kHz, |
RL connected to
V– |
See Section 6 |
Figure 5-17 THD+N
vs Output Amplitude, G = –1
Figure 5-19 Quiescent Current vs Temperature
G = 1, 100-mV output step,
RL = open |
Figure 5-21 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
G = +1, RL = 10
kΩ, CL = 20 pF |
Figure 5-23 Phase
Margin vs Capacitive Load
Figure 5-25 Overload Recovery (Negative Rail)
Figure 5-27 Small-Signal Step Response, G = –1
Figure 5-29 Large-Signal Step Response, G = 1
Figure 5-31 Short-Circuit Current vs Temperature
Figure 5-33 Channel Separation vs Frequency
Figure 5-2 Offset Voltage Drift Distribution
Figure 5-4 Offset Voltage vs Common-Mode Voltage
Figure 5-6 Closed-Loop Gain vs Frequency
Figure 5-8 CMRR vs Frequency
Figure 5-10 Common-Mode Rejection Ratio vs
Figure 5-12 0.1-Hz to 10-Hz Noise
G = 1, f = 1 kHz, BW = 80
kHz, |
VOUT = 10
VPP, RL connected to
V– |
Figure 5-14 THD+N
Ratio vs Frequency, G = 1
G = 1, f = 1 kHz, BW = 80
kHz, |
RL connected to
V– |
Figure 5-16 THD+N
vs Output Amplitude, G = 1
Figure 5-18 Quiescent Current vs Supply Voltage
Figure 5-20 Open-Loop Output Impedance vs Frequency
G = –1, 100-mV output step,
RL = open |
Figure 5-22 Small-Signal Overshoot vs Capacitive Load
Figure 5-24 Overload Recovery (Positive Rail)
Figure 5-26 Small-Signal Step Response, G = 1
Figure 5-28 Large-Signal Step Response (Falling)
Figure 5-30 Large-Signal Step Response, G = –1
Figure 5-32 Maximum Output Voltage vs Frequency
Figure 5-34 EMIRR
(Electromagnetic Interference Rejection Ratio) vs Frequency