SNAS207B May 2004 – January 2024 LM64
When the ALERT Mask bit in the Configuration register is written as zero the ALERT interrupts are enabled.
The LM64's ALERT pin is versatile and can produce three different methods of use to best serve the system designer: (1) as a temperature comparator (2) as a temperature-based interrupt flag, and (3) as part of an SMBus ALERT System. The three methods of use are further described below. The ALERT and interrupt methods are different only in how the user interacts with the LM64.
The remote temperature (RT) reading is associated with a T_CRIT Setpoint Register, and both local and remote temperature (LT and RT) readings are associated with a HIGH setpoint register (LHS and RHS). The RT is also associated with a LOW setpoint register (RLS). At the end of every temperature reading a digital comparison determines whether that reading is above its HIGH or T_CRIT setpoint or below its LOW setpoint. If so, the corresponding bit in the ALERT Status Register is set. If the ALERT mask bit is low, any bit set in the ALERT Status Register, with the exception of Busy or Open, will cause the ALERT output to be pulled low. Any temperature conversion that is out of the limits defined in the temperature setpoint registers will trigger an ALERT. Additionally, the ALERT Mask Bit must be cleared to trigger an ALERT in all modes.
The three different ALERT modes will be discussed in the following sections.