SNAS636C December 2013 – July 2021 LMK00338
NAME | NO. | ||
DAP | DAP | GND | Die Attach Pad. Connect to the PCB ground plane for heat dissipation. |
CLKin0 | 16 | I | Universal clock input 0 (differential/single-ended) |
CLKin0* | 17 | I | Universal clock input 0 (differential/single-ended) |
CLKin1 | 34 | I | Universal clock input 1 (differential/single-ended) |
CLKin1* | 33 | I | Universal clock input 1 (differential/single-ended) |
CLKoutA_EN | 11 | I | Bank A low active output buffer enable(2) |
CLKoutA0 | 1 | O | Differential clock output A0. |
CLKoutA0* | 2 | O | Differential clock output A0. |
CLKoutA1 | 4 | O | Differential clock output A1. |
CLKoutA1* | 5 | O | Differential clock output A1. |
CLKoutA2 | 7 | O | Differential clock output A2. |
CLKoutA2* | 8 | O | Differential clock output A2. |
CLKoutA3 | 9 | O | Differential clock output A3. |
CLKoutA3* | 10 | O | Differential clock output A3. |
CLKoutB_EN | 19 | I | Bank B low active output buffer enable(2) |
CLKoutB1 | 27 | O | Differential clock output B1. |
CLKoutB1* | 26 | O | Differential clock output B1. |
CLKoutB0 | 30 | O | Differential clock output B0. |
CLKoutB0* | 29 | O | Differential clock output B0. |
CLKoutB2 | 24 | O | Differential clock output B2. |
CLKoutB2* | 23 | O | Differential clock output B2. |
CLKoutB3 | 22 | O | Differential clock output B3. |
CLKoutB3* | 21 | O | Differential clock output B3. |
CLKin_SEL0 | 15 | I | Clock input selection pins (2) |
CLKin_SEL1 | 18 | I | Clock input selection pins (2) |
GND | 20, 31, 40 | GND | Ground |
OSCin | 13 | I | Input for crystal. Can also be driven by a XO, TCXO, or other external single-ended clock. |
OSCout | 14 | O | Output for crystal. Leave OSCout floating if OSCin is driven by a single-ended clock. |
REFout | 36 | O | LVCMOS reference output. Enable output by pulling REFout_EN pin high. |
REFout_EN | 38 | I | REFout enable input. Enable signal is internally synchronized to selected clock input.(2) |
VCC | 12, 32, 35, 39 | PWR | Power supply for Core and Input buffer blocks. The VCC supply operates from 3.3 V. Bypass with a 0.1-µF low-ESR capacitor placed very close to each VCC pin. |
VCCOA | 3, 6 | PWR | Power supply for Bank A Output buffers. VCCOA can operate from 3.3 V or 2.5 V. The VCCOA pins are internally tied together. Bypass with a 0.1-µF low-ESR capacitor placed very close to each VCCO pin. (1) |
VCCOB | 25, 28 | PWR | Power supply for Bank B Output buffers. VCCOB can operate from 3.3 V or 2.5 V. The VCCOB pins are internally tied together. Bypass with a 0.1-µF low-ESR capacitor placed very close to each VCCO pin. (1) |
VCCOC | 37 | PWR | Power supply for REFout Output buffer. VCCOC can operate from 3.3 V or 2.5 V. Bypass with a 0.1-µF low-ESR capacitor placed very close to each VCCO pin.(1) |