SNAS522K September 2011 – December 2023 LMK03806
At no time should the MICROWIRE registers be programmed to any value other than what is specified in the datasheet.
For debug of the MICROWIRE interface or programming, TI recommends to simply program an LD_MUX to active low and then toggle the output type register between output and inverting output while observing the output pin for a low to high transition. For example, to verify MICROWIRE programming, set the LD_MUX = 0 (Low) and then toggle the LD_TYPE register between 3 (Output, push-pull) and 4 (Output inverted, pushpull). The result will be that the Ftest/LD pin will toggle from low to high.
Readback from the MICROWIRE programming registers is available. The MICROWIRE readback function can be accessed on the Readback pin. The READBACK_TYPE register can be programmed to Output (push-pull) for active output, or for communication with FPGAs/microcontrollers with lower voltage rails than 3.3 V the READBACK_TYPE register can be programmed to Output (Open-Drain) while connecting an external pull-up resistor to the voltage rail needed.
To perform a readback operation: