SNAS840 may 2023 LMK04368-EP
When CLKin_SEL_AUTO_EN = 0 and CLKin_SEL_PIN_EN = 0, the active CLKin is selected by CLKin_SEL_MANUAL. Programming a value of 0, 1, or 2 to CLKin_SEL_MANUAL causes CLKin0, CLKin1, or CLKin2, respectively, to be the selected active input clock. In this mode, the EN_CLKinX bits are overridden such that the CLKinX buffer operates even if CLKinX is disabled with EN_CLKinX = 0.
If holdover is entered in this mode by setting CLKin_SEL_MANUAL = 3, then the device will re-lock to the selected CLKin upon holdover exit.