SNAS838A October 2022 – November 2022 LMK04832-SEP
In this example, two separate adjustments are made to the device clocks. In the first adjustment, a single delay of one VCO cycle occurs between CLKOUT2 and CLKOUT0. In the second adjustment, two delays of one VCO cycle occur between CLKOUT2 and CLKOUT0. At this point in the example, CLKOUT2 is delayed three VCO cycles behind CLKOUT0.
Assuming the device already has the following initial configurations:
The following steps illustrate the example above:
Before step 4, CLKOUT2 clock edge is aligned with CLKOUT0.
After step 4, CLKOUT2 counts nine clock distribution path cycles to the next rising edge, one greater than the divider value, effectively delaying CLKOUT2 by one VCO cycle with respect to CLKOUT0.This is the first adjustment.
5. Set DDLYd_STEP_CNT = 2. This begins the second adjustment.
Before step 5, CLKOUT2 clock edge was delayed one clock distribution path cycle from DCLKOUT0.
After step 5, CLKOUT2 counts nine clock distribution path cycles twice, each time one greater than the divide value, effectively delaying CLKOUT2 by two clock distribution path cycles with respect to CLKOUT0.This is the second adjustment.