There are several other considerations for writing on the SPI:
- The R/W bit must be set to 0.
- The data on SDI pin is clocked into a shift register on each rising edge on the SCK pin.
- The CS# must be held low for data to be clocked.
The device ignores clock pulses if CS# is held high.
- Recommended SPI settings for this device are
CPOL=0 and CPHA=0.
- When SCK and SDI lines are shared between devices, TI recommends to hold the CS# line high on the device that is not to be clocked.
There are several other considerations for SPI readback:
- The R/W bit must be set to 1.
- The MUXOUT pin is always be low for the address
portion of the transaction.
- The data on MUXOUT is clocked out at the falling
edge of SCK. In other words, the readback data is available at the MUXOUT pin
tCD after the clock falling edge.
- The data portion of the transition on the SDI line is always ignored.
- The MUXOUT pin does not automatically tri-state after a readback transaction
completes. When sharing the SPI bus readback pin with other devices, set MUXOUT_EN=0
after all readback transactions from device are complete to manually tri-state the
MUXOUT pin, permitting other devices to control the readback line.
- The values read back, even for R/W bits are not always the value written but rather an
internal device state that takes into account the programmed value as well as other
factors, such as pin states.