To get the design
parameters in Section 9.2.2, the following program steps can be referred.
After VIN powering up,
the boost converter being enabled by pulling EN to High and waiting
around 1 ms,
- Execute
I2C slave addressing, for details refer
to the sample code
- Set
chip_en = 1 to enable the device (Write 01h to
register 000h)
- Set
boost_vout = Fh to set 4.5V boost output voltage,
and max_current = 1h to set 51mA maximum output LED
current (Write 1Fh to register 001h)
- Set
led_mode = 4h to configure the LED drive mode as
scan drive mode with 4 scans (Write 40h to
register 002h)
- Set
lsd_threshold = 3h is recommended to avoid incorrect
LSD detection. (Write 0Bh to register 00Dh)
Leave the PWM frequency, scan order, manual or
autonomous mode, linear or exponential dimming
curve, phase align method, vsync mode, blank time,
clamp settings as default (In other application
requirements, these functions can be set)
- Send
update command to complete configuration settings
(Write 55h to register 010h)
- Read back
config_err_status to check if the configuration is
proper (Read register 300h)
- Enable
all 12 LEDs (Write F0h to register 020h and FFh
to register 021h)
- Set 51mA
peak current for red LEDs (Write FFh to registers
035h, 038h, 03Bh, 03Eh) , and 40mA peak
current for green and blue LEDs (Write CCh to
registers 034h, 036h, 037h, 039h, 03Ah, 03Ch,
03Dh, 03Fh)
- Set 100%
duty cycle to illuminate the LEDs (Write FFh to
registers 044h - 04Fh)