SNVSAT4A September 2017 – June 2021 LP873220-Q1
BUCK1_CTRL_1 is shown in Table 7-17, Address: 0x04
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
Reserved - do not use | BUCK1_FPWM | BUCK1_RDIS_EN | BUCK1_EN_PIN_CTRL | BUCK1_EN |
Bits | Field | Type | Default | Description |
7:4 | Reserved - do not use | R/W | 0000 | |
3 | BUCK1_FPWM | R/W | 0 | Buck1 mode selection: 0 - Automatic transitions between the PFM and PWM modes (AUTO mode). 1 - Forced to PWM operation. |
2 | BUCK1_RDIS_EN | R/W | 1 | Enable output discharge resistor (RDIS_Bx) when the Buck1 is disabled: 0 - Discharge resistor is disabled. 1 - Discharge resistor is enabled. |
1 | BUCK1_EN_PIN _CTRL | R/W | 1 | Enable control for the Buck1: 0 - only the BUCK1_EN bit controls the Buck1 1 - BUCK1_EN bit and the EN pin control the Buck1. |
0 | BUCK1_EN | R/W | 1 | Enable the Buck1 regulator: 0 - Buck1 regulator is disabled. 1 - Buck1 regulator is enabled. |