SNVSAT3A June 2017 – June 2021 LP873222-Q1
In addition to the interrupt-based indication of the current limit and the Power-Good level, the LP873222-Q1 device supports monitoring with PGOOD signal:
The regulator output voltage monitoring (not current limit monitoring) can be selected for the PGOOD indication. This selection is individual for both buck regulators and LDO regulators, and is set by the EN_PGOOD_BUCKx bits in the PGOOD_CTRL_1 register and the EN_PGOOD_LDOx bits in the PGOOD_CTRL_1 register. When a regulator is disabled, the monitoring is automatically masked to prevent it forcing the PGOOD inactive. A thermal warning can also be selected for the PGOOD indication with the EN_PGOOD_TWARN bit in the PGOOD_CTRL_2 register. The monitoring from all the output rails, thermal warning (TDIE_WARN_STAT), input overvoltage interrupt (OVP_INT), and thermal shutdown interrupt (TDIE_SD_INT) are combined, and the PGOOD pin is active only if all the selected sources shows a valid status.
The type of output voltage monitoring for the PGOOD signal is selected by the PGOOD_WINDOW_x bits in the PGOOD_CTRL_1 register. If the bit is 0, only undervoltage is monitored; if the bit is 1, both undervoltage and overvoltage are monitored.
The polarity and the output type (push-pull or open-drain) are selected by the PGOOD_POL and PGOOD_OD bits in the PGOOD_CTRL_1 register.
The PGOOD is only active and asserted when all enabled power resource output voltages are within specified tolerance for each requested and programmed output voltage.
The PGOOD is inactive and de-asserted if any enabled power resource output voltages is outside specified tolerance for each requested and programmed output voltage.
The device OTP setting selects either gated (or unusual) or continuous (or invalid) mode of operation.