SNVSAT3A June 2017 – June 2021 LP873222-Q1
The LP873222-Q1 is capable of providing four levels of protection features:
The LP873222-Q1 sets the flag bits indicating what protection or warning conditions have occurred, and the nINT pin is pulled low. The nINT is released again after a clear of flags is complete. The nINT signal stays low until all the pending interrupts are cleared.
When a fault is detected or software requested reset, it is indicated by a RESET_REG_INT interrupt flag in the INT_TOP_2 register after next start-up. If the RESET_REG_MASK is set to masked in the OTP, then the interrupt is not generated. The mask bit change with I2C does not affect, because the RESET_REG_MASK bit is loaded from the OTP during reset sequence.
Buck current limit triggered | No effect | BUCK_INT BUCKx_ILIM_INT | BUCKx_ILIM_MASK | BUCKx_ILIM_STAT | Write 1 to the BUCKx_ILIM_INT bit. Interrupt is not cleared if the current limit is active |
LDO current limit triggered | No effect | LDO_INT LDOx_ILIM_INT | LDOx_ILIM_MASK | LDOx_ILIM_STAT | Write 1 to the LDOx_ILIM_INT bit Interrupt is not cleared if the current limit is active |
Buck short circuit (VVOUT < 0.35 V at 1 ms after enable) or overload (VVOUT decreasing below 0.35 V during operation, 1-ms debounce) | Regulator disable | BUCK_INT BUCKx_SC_INT | N/A | N/A | Write 1 to the BUCKx_SC_INT bit |
LDO short circuit (VVOUT < 0.3 V at 1 ms after enable) or overload (VVOUT decreasing below 0.3 V during operation, 1-ms debounce) | Regulator disable | LDO_INT LDOx_SC_INT | N/A | N/A | Write 1 to the LDOx_SC_INT bit |
Thermal warning | No effect | TDIE_WARN_INT | TDIE_WARN_MASK | TDIE_WARN_STAT | Write 1 to tge TDIE_WARN_INT bit Interrupt is not cleared if the temperature is above the thermal warning level |
Thermal shutdown | All the regulators are disabled immediately, and the GPO and GPO2 are set to low | TDIE_SD_INT | N/A | TDIE_SD_STAT | Write 1 to the TDIE_SD_INT bit Interrupt is not cleared if the temperature is above the thermal shutdown level |
VANA overvoltage (VANAOVP) | All the regulators are disabled immediately, and the GPO and GPO2 are set to low | OVP_INT | N/A | OVP_STAT | Write 1 to the OVP_INT bit Interrupt is not cleared if the VANA voltage is above the VANAOVP level |
Buck power good, output voltage becomes valid | No effect | BUCK_INT BUCKx_PG_INT | BUCKx_PGR_MASK | BUCKx_PG_STAT | Write 1 to the BUCKx_PG_INT bit |
Buck power good, output voltage becomes invalid | No effect | BUCK_INT BUCKx_PG_INT | BUCKx_PGF_MASK | BUCKx_PG_STAT | Write 1 to the BUCKx_PG_INT bit |
LDO Power good, output voltage becomes valid | No effect | LDO_INT LDOx_PG_INT | LDOx_PGR_MASK | LDOx_PG_STAT | Write 1 to the LDOx_PG_INT bit |
LDO power good, output voltage becomes invalid | No effect | LDO_INT LDOx_PG_INT | LDOx_PGF_MASK | LDOx_PG_STAT | Write 1 to the LDOx_PG_INT bit |
PGOOD pin changing from active to inactive state(1) | No effect | PGOOD_INT | PGOOD_MASK | PGOOD_STAT | Write 1 to the PGOOD_INT bit |
External clock appears or disappears | No effect to regulators | SYNC_CLK_INT(2) | SYNC_CLK_MASK | SYNC_CLK_STAT | Write 1 to the SYNC_CLK_INT bit |
Load current measurement is ready | No effect | I_MEAS_INT | I_MEAS_MASK | N/A | Write 1 to the I_MEAS_INT bit |
Supply voltage VANAUVLO triggered (VANA falling) | Immediate shutdown and the registers reset to default values | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Supply voltage VANAUVLO triggered (VANA rising) | Startup and the registers reset to default values and the OTP bits are loaded | RESET_REG_INT | RESET_REG_MASK | N/A | Write 1 to the RESET_REG_INT bit |
Software requested reset | Immediate shutdown is followed by power up and the registers are reset to their default values | RESET_REG_INT | RESET_REG_MASK | N/A | Write 1 to the RESET_REG_INT bit |