SNVSAT3A June 2017 – June 2021 LP873222-Q1
The LP873222-Q1 device supports up to two general purpose output signals, GPO and GPO2. The GPO2 signal is multiplexed with the CLKIN signal. The selection between the CLKIN and GPO2 pin function is set with the CLKIN_PIN_SEL bit in the CONFIG register.
The GPO pins are configured with the following bits:
The logic level of the GPOx pin is set by the EN_GPOx bit in the GPO_CTRL register.
The control of the GPOs can be included to start-up and shutdown sequences. The GPO control for a sequence with an EN pin is selected by the GPOx_EN_PIN_CTRL bit in the GPO_CTRL register. For start-up and shutdown sequence control, see Section 7.3.6.