SNVSBK2A September 2019 – June 2021 LP8733
PG_FAULT is shown in Table 7-55, Address: 0x17
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
Reserved - do not use | PG_FAULT_LDO1 | PG_FAULT_LDO0 | PG_FAULT_BUCK1 | PG_FAULT_BUCK0 |
Bits | Field | Type | Default | Description |
7:4 | Reserved - do not use | R/W | 0000 | |
3 | PG_FAULT_LDO1 | R/W | 0 | Source for the PGOOD inactive signal: 0 - LDO1 has not set the PGOOD signal inactive. 1 - LDO1 is selected for the PGOOD signal and it has set the PGOOD signal inactive. This bit can be cleared by writing '1' to this bit when the LDO1 output is valid. |
2 | PG_FAULT_LDO0 | R/W | 0 | Source for PGOOD inactive signal: 0 - LDO0 has not set the PGOOD signal inactive. 1 - LDO0 is selected for the PGOOD signal and it has set the PGOOD signal inactive. This bit can be cleared by writing '1' to this bit when the LDO0 output is valid. |
1 | PG_FAULT_BUCK1 | R/W | 0 | Source for PGOOD inactive signal: 0 - Buck1 has not set PGOOD signal inactive. 1 - Buck1 is selected for the PGOOD signal and it has set the PGOOD signal inactive. This bit can be cleared by writing '1' to this bit when the Buck1 output is valid. |
0 | PG_FAULT_BUCK0 | R/W | 0 | Source for PGOOD inactive signal: 0 - Buck0 has not set PGOOD signal inactive. 1 - Buck0 is selected for the PGOOD signal and it has set the PGOOD signal inactive. This bit can be cleared by writing '1' to this bit when the Buck0 output is valid. |