SNVSBK2A September 2019 – June 2021 LP8733
The buck load current can be monitored through I2C registers. The monitored buck converter is selected with the LOAD_CURRENT_BUCK_SELECT bit in the SEL_I_LOAD register. A write to this selection register starts a current measurement sequence. The regulator is automatically forced to the PWM mode for the measurement period. The measurement sequence is 50 µs long, maximum.
The LP8733xx device can be configured to give out an interrupt (the I_MEAS_INT bit in the INT_TOP_1 register) after the load current measurement sequence is finished. The load current measurement interrupt can be masked with the I_MEAS_MASK bit (TOP_MASK_1 register). The measurement result can be read from the registers I_LOAD_1 and I_LOAD_2. The register I_LOAD_1 bits BUCK_LOAD_CURRENT[7:0] gives out the LSB bits, and the register I_LOAD_2 bit BUCK_LOAD_CURRENT[8] gives out the MSB bit. The measurement result BUCK_LOAD_CURRENT[8:0] LSB is 20 mA, and the maximum code value of the measurement corresponds to 10.22 A. In dual-phase configuration, the measured current is the total value of the master and slave phases.