SHUTDOWN:The V(VANA) voltage is below the VANAUVLO threshold level or the NRST
signal is low. All switch, reference, control, and
bias circuitry of the LP87702 device are turned off.
READ OTP:The main supply voltage (V(VANA)) is above the VANAUVLO level and the
NRST signal is high. The converters are disabled
and the reference and bias circuitry of the LP87702 are enabled. The OTP
bits are loaded to the registers. I2C access is
not allowed during OTP read. Section 7.3.8 shows how this also applies to the
STANDBY:The main supply voltage (V(VANA)) is above the VANAUVLO level and the NRST
signal is high. All registers can be read or
written by the host processor through the system
serial interface. Watchdog is active and the WDI
input is expected to toggle to avoid watchdog
expiration. The converters are disabled and the
LP87702's reference,
control, and bias circuitry are enabled. The
converters can be enabled if needed.
ACTIVE:The main supply voltage (V(VANA)) is above the VANAUVLO level and the NRST
signal is high. At least one converter is enabled.
All registers can be read or written by the host
processor through the system's serial interface.
Watchdog is active and the WDI input is expected
to toggle to avoid watchdog expiration.
Figure 7-14 shows the operating modes and transitions
between the modes. See Section 7.3.8 for the window watchdog detailed