SNVSBU3 March 2021 LP87702
The LP87702 device supports up to 3 general purpose output (GPO) signals. The GPO1 signal is multiplexed with the PG1 signal and GPO2 signal is multiplexed with the CLKIN and WD_DIS signals. The selection between signal use are set with the GPO1_SEL and GPO2_SEL bits in the GPO_CONTROL_2 register.
The type of output, either push-pull (with V(VANA) level) or open drain, are set with the GPO0_OD and GPO1_PG1_OD bits in the GPO_CONTROL_1 register and the GPO2_OD bit in the GPO_CONTROL_2 register.
The logic level of the GPOx pins are is set by the GPO0_OUT and GPO1_OUT bits in the GPO_CONTROL_1 register and the GPO2_OUT bit in the GPO_CONTROL_2 register.
The control of the GPOs can be included to start-up and shutdown sequences. The GPO control for a sequence with ENx pin is selected by the GPOx_EN_PIN_CTRL bits. The delays during start-up and shutdown are set by bits in the GPOx_DELAY registers.