The MCT8314Z provides a single-chip, code-free sensored trapezoidal commutation device for customers driving 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors. The MCT8314Z integrates three 1/2-H bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low RDS(ON) of 575-mΩ (high-side and low-side combined) to enable high power drive capability. The integrated current limiting feature limits motor currents during start-up or high load conditions while eliminating the need for external sense resistors. An integrated 5-V LDO generates the necessary voltage rail for the device and can power external circuits.
MCT8314Z implements sensored trapezoidal control in a fixed-function state machine, so an external microcontroller is not required to spin the brushless DC motor. The MCT8314Z device integrates three analog Hall comparators for position sensing to achieve sensored trapezoidal BLDC motor control. The control scheme is highly configurable through hardware pins or registers settings ranging from motor current limiting behavior to fault response. The speed can be controlled through a PWM input.
There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCT8314Z that are designed to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.
Refer Application Information for design consideration and recommendation on device usage.
MCT8314ZS(2) | WQFN (24) | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm |
MCT8314ZH | WQFN (24) | 3.00 mm × 3.00 mm |
MCT8314ZS | 24-pin WQFN (3x3 mm) | SPI |
MCT8314ZH | Hardware |
Parameters | MCT8314ZS (SPI variant) | MCT8314ZH (Hardware variant) |
PWM control mode settings | PWM_MODE bits (4 settings) | MODE pin (7 settings) |
Direction settings | DIR bit (2 settings) | DIR pin (2 settings) |
Current limit threshold | Selectable by resistor to AGND on ILIM pin | |
Current limit configuration | ILIM_RECIR bit (2 settings), PWM_100_DUTY_SEL bit | Recirculation fixed to Brake mode and PWM frequency for 100% duty fixed to 20 kHz |
Lead angle settings | ADVANCE_LVL bits (8 settings) | ADVANCE pin (7 settings) |
FG configuration | FGOUT_SEL bits (4 settings) | 3x or 1x commutation frequency depending FGSEL/LOCK_DET_TIME pin configuration |
Motor lock configuration: mode, detection and retry timing | MTR_LOCK_MODE bits (4 settings), MTR_LOCK_TDET bits (4 settings), MTR_LOCK_RETRY bit (2 settings) | Enabled with 500-ms automatic retry time, FGSEL/LOCK_DET_TIME pin (3 or 4 detection time settings, depending on configuration) |
Automatic synchronous rectification | EN_ASR bit (2 settings) | MODE pin (6 settings) |
OCP configuration | OCP_MODE bits (4 settings), IOCP,min = 3 A, OCP_DEG bits (4 settings), and OCP_RETRY bits (2 settings) | Enabled with latched shutdown mode, IOCP,min = 3 A, 0.6 µs deglitch time |
Overvoltage protection configuration | OVP_EN bit (2 settings), OVP_SEL bit (2 settings) | Enabled and level is fixed to 34 V (typ) |
SDO pin configuration | SDO_MODE bit (2 settings) | NA |
SPI fault configuration | SPI_PARITY bit (2 settings), SPI_SCLK_FLT bit (2 settings), SPI_ADDR_FLT bit (2 settings) | NA |