SLLSFS3 May 2024 MCT8316A-Q1
The lock detection current limit function provides a configurable threshold for limiting the current to prevent damage to the system. The MCT8316A-Q1 continuously monitors the output of the current sense amplifier (CSA) through the ADC. If at any time, the voltage on the output of CSA exceeds LOCK_ILIMIT for a time longer than tLCK_ILIMIT, a LOCK_ILIMIT event is recognized and action is taken according to LOCK_ILIMIT_MODE. The threshold is set through LOCK_ILIMIT, the tLCK_ILIMIT is set through LOCK_ILIMIT_DEG. LOCK_ILIMIT_MODE can be set to four different modes: LOCK_ILIMIT latched shutdown, LOCK_ILIMIT automatic retry, LOCK_ILIMIT report only and LOCK_ILIMIT disabled.