SLAS983A May 2014 – September 2018 MSP430F67451A , MSP430F67461A , MSP430F67471A , MSP430F67481A , MSP430F67491A , MSP430F67651A , MSP430F67661A , MSP430F67671A , MSP430F67681A , MSP430F67691A , MSP430F67751A , MSP430F67761A , MSP430F67771A , MSP430F67781A , MSP430F67791A
The RTC_C module can be configured for calendar mode providing seconds, hours, day of week, day of month, month, and year. The RTC_C control and configuration registers are password protected to ensure clock integrity against runaway code. Calendar mode integrates an internal calendar that compensates for months with less than 31 days and includes leap year correction. The RTC_C also supports flexible alarm functions, offset calibration, temperature compensation, and time capture on two external events. The RTC_C on this device operates on dedicated AUXVCC3 supply and supports operation in LPM3.5.